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Unprotected sex

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Unprotected sex

There are at least one area in life where the risk is absolutely not justified. It's great! One would think that anyone should risk their health and safety? Nevertheless, quite enlightened people continue to do so! We all know that condoms were not invented yesterday and not even the day before. But the modern girl, well aware of all the rules of contraception, continue to practice unprotected sex as often as walking to the shops or update your wardrobe. There is a logical question: why? Of course, the whole point of the natural feminine delicacy. Most are just afraid to offend the partner asked to use a condom or compromising the question: "Are you checked for AIDS?" Anyway, it is assumed that conversations on such a prosaic subject as contraception, are killing the romance and intensity of emotions during sex.

Often people ignore all the precautions just because they do not want to spoil a beautiful moment of mutual caresses of household bustle that accompanies the use of condoms. "Perhaps blow over" - what people think and deal with risky sex, and then nervously shaking, sitting in the corridor of the hospital and waiting for the results of the analysis. So, you should never give up means of protection. Absurd, criminal and unjustifiable risk can be considered:

- Sex without a condom with a stranger (unfamiliar) one-time partner;

- Protection by "interrupted sexual intercourse with anyone, even the most experienced partner;

- Unprotected sex in the "safe days" (and if you calculate them incorrectly, or knock your cycle?).

So do not take risks or your health or the health of their partner. It's just a case of better safe!
Excitation factor

However, often extraordinary, risky sex can be an unforgettable adventure. How to behave and what precautions to take to an extreme sex has become an exciting and leaving only a pleasant, exciting memories, rather than the need to disentangle the consequences? Yes, spontaneity and a certain amount of risk in sex can make an unforgettable sharpness to your relationship and bring you both to a new level of intimacy. To risk sex was justified and carried only positive effects, it is enough to observe a few simple rules:

1. Risks of sex can only be proven partner. Casual sex with strangers, and so rather extremal, so do not expose themselves to real danger, agreeing, for example, sadomasochistic games with binding to the unfamiliar person. Extreme Experiments in bed is best done with someone you absolutely trust.

2. An example of excellent, moderately risky sex can be considered sex outside the bedroom. If your house is full of people and no place to retire, you can try sex outdoors, in car, airplane, cinema, nightclub toilet. In short, anywhere. The only condition: you and your half should be comfortable, but otherwise limits for your imagination there! Experiment with your sexuality.

3. If you and your husband or boyfriend decided to try sadomazoigry, ever, even if you really trust each other, not carried away by fantasies of choking. Such scenes are nicely played up in movies, for example, in a thriller "Killing Me Softly." But in practice it is too dangerous, because the loop can be tightened around the neck is very easy and fast, faster than you can find out what's what, so limit the binding of the hands.

4. Although the statistics group sex is one of the most popular male fantasies, the risk of such an experiment is unreasonably high. If you truly love each other, barely able to calmly and dispassionately watch as your half has sex with someone else. Many couples are going to take that risk, hoping to stir the senses and revive the fading former passion. But the only thing that is most often wakes up from such experiments, this mutual jealousy, mistrust and resentment.
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