Unscrupulous travel agencies
Oh, resorts, spas! At rest, without exception people are blissful and peaceful, and enjoying what some unscrupulous travel companies to infringe the interests of vacationers. My friend Kate - a real girl with character. She knows how to stand up for himself, though it does so intelligently and unobtrusively that no one in the head does not come to think of it bad. But once she got is not the most pleasant situation. After resting a couple of weeks in Turkey with her husband and son, Kate checked all accounts. Everything was paid for, but checks for ice cream. The hotel was a system by which guests can order ice cream in unlimited quantities, and pay for an order, just writing out of the hotel, immediately prior to departure. Not wanting to rush, Katja advance paid six dollars that their family was to be for ice cream. And in the day of discharge they presented a surprise!
-Excuse me, - said the porter, - I can not let you write - you have not paid for ice cream.
-How is it not paid? "- Kate was surprised, - pay, and the day before yesterday. Look in your computer.
-I look, and there is information that you have not paid the bill for ten dollars.
-First, my bill was five dollars, and secondly, I have paid. Check the receipt for that number.
Turkish manager began to play-act. Pretend not to understand in English, then had a long conversation with someone on a cell phone, then slowly sort out receipts. Katia's husband is anxiously watching the clock, their bus to the airport was supposed to go in five minutes.
-Come on, you, Katya, let them give up the ten dollars. Perhaps not obedneem.
At the moment Kate almost tempted to give up on everything by hand, but, fortunately, decided to get my way. She has long bickered with the manager, then just climbed over the registration counter and, despite the indignant cries of a Turk, has found its receipt. This story is very revealing and instructive. Abroad on holiday you can easily cheat nowhere grafted account. Do not be lazy to carefully check all the numbers and try to defend their rights. Otherwise, the memories of holidays may be marred by unpleasant experiences.