Favorable aspects. Profits, winning the lottery, gaming, an unexpected inheritance, invention, achievement in the field of art, happy trip, travel, change. Gives a greater independence of physical and moral life, elevates a person, sometimes a genius. Intense intellectual satisfaction. Satisfied with pride. Points to the strengthening or re-found health after the treatment methods that go beyond the conformist (homeopathy, acupuncture, magnetism, etc.). Treatment of electricity, beams, etc. allows you to control neural activity (together with the good aspects of Mercury).
Connection. Sudden loss of property; changes in the profession, work, and death in the family; adverse travel, moving, changing, accident, neurasthenia. Subjects accidents, mental disorders. Has to rebellion, destruction of property. Mental and physical wounds. Interferes with the life, liberty, physical and mental equilibrium. Want to reject treatment electricity, fear of lightning, dealing with electrical appliances, rays, etc. Points to the nervous irritability.