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VI house from the houses Radix

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VI house from the houses Radix
VI annual house I house map of birth is usually an indication of the lack of free will during the coming year (VI is the home jurisdiction). Sign of failure, for all independent businesses. If the aggregate of the SB has a negative impact on health, this position suggests that it is necessary to be afraid of dangerous, but short-term illnesses (ie, not becoming chronic).

VI to II-m. Warns that progress can be erratic and irregular. This position prevents the subject in a work-at least if his profession has a direct relationship with the VI house (ie, disease, nutrition, animals, ships or small co-operative societies).

VI to III-m. Under adverse planets risk of the disease, which entails a change of place (with Mars and Neptune is a contagious disease, with Saturn a cold, Uranus accident, etc.).

VI to IV-m. In horoscopes farmers is unfavorable for the crop (this position can be interpreted as a "disease of the earth"). Sometimes it works the same way as the IV annual house in the VI house horoscope of birth.

VI to V-m. As for trouble in the sensuous life, disease or anxiety, which cause pleasure or poor health of children. In a good configuration, this position may indicate a mild and pleasant to work or exercise.

VI in the VI-m. Like all similar positions estimated by the birth chart.

VI to VII-m. A bad position for a spouse's health, as well as alliances, treaties and processes. Should avoid starting new processes to be very careful when signing agreements, because this position predisposes to the unfortunate errors and omissions.

VI to VIII-m. Instills the fear of "death" or the temporary cessation of vital functions, especially if this position emphasizes the many configurations of the planets. It often occurs at the time of menopause.

VI to IX th. Is not conducive to travel, may be a consequence of their worries, troubles and even illness. If we take the spiritual significance ninth house, then this position may indicate periods of skepticism, doubt, slow and difficult development of religious beliefs.

VI to X m. Reduces the freedom of action, brings anxiety associated with social position, indicates the difficulties in professional companies. To this position has not turned out to be unfavorable to a happy confluence of planets.

VI to XI th. Should be considered as an indication of the danger that the desires, intentions and plans of the subject may be tarnished. If the ruling planet III house is well located, has good aspects, or favorable to its nature, this position entails coming from friends of the proposal ..

VI to XII th. Predisposes to new forms of manifestations of chronic disease, an indication of the wrong actor to a food product, so that the entity should pay more attention to hygiene conditions in which he lives.
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