VII house from the houses Radix
VII-year house I home birth chart. Indicates the important role of public life during this year. In changeable signs, this position represents a more or less conflicting aspirations: sometimes the subject does not know what he wants, is between their own aspirations and suggestions from outside.
VII of II-m. Appear to favor (or favors, depending on planets) success, due to different sources: VII house "attaches" to the main source of success, the possibility of a few strides at a time.
III-VII in meters. Predisposes to the differences of opinion with a spouse or companion. Because III house is the home of his mistresses in the men's cards and, occasionally, lovers of women in the charts, this configuration often indicates a betrayal of a spouse / or the person, the card is viewed.
VII in IV-m. Being supportive, this position is advantageous for contracts and business relationships with older people (IV house house end of life). Apparently has a connection with the processes of inheritance, with the mortgages.
VII in the V-meter. In the singles charts raises the question of ordering links (which relates to V at home) through the marriage (one of the principal values of the VII house). Being supportive, this position contributes to the treaties with links to art, jewelry, fun, and competition.
VII to VI-m. Under adverse planets need to be afraid of exacerbations of disease and relapse. If the VI house is taken in the sense of obligatory work, this position is the increase in the volume of this work: it can be seen for example in the horoscope of an employee who has to take some load ill mate.
VII-VII in meters. Strengthens the indication birth chart.
VII to VIII-m. Refers to a favorable or unfavorable outcome of the process or means contracts associated with the transformation of money into capital (eg, buying shares). With Neptune, this configuration may lead to the discovery of errors committed by a spouse or companion.
VII to IX th. Dealing with unions, agreements, closer relations with foreigners or with contracts, unions, as a result of long-distance travel, as well as scientific and literary collaboration.
VII to X m. Often puts the situation in the dependency process, or association. With adverse planets, it is a sign of struggle and rivalry in professional affairs, fighting for position, or in cases of instability caused by external factors. May indicate a marriage or remarriage of the mother in the charts of children.
VII to XI th. Predicts a bachelors role of a friend or groom bridesmaid at an upcoming wedding. In a sign of fire or with free planets this indicates a need to fight for the implementation of plans and intentions, as well as to changes in relationships with friends.
VII to XII th. Unfavorable to public life, causing complications and anxiety related to the processes, contracts, unions or marriage.