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VIII house from the houses Radix

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VIII house from the houses Radix
VIII-year house I home birth chart. Predicts a struggle, anxiety-related commitments and finances, weakening health, mourning. This position often indicates the year of death.

VIII in the II-m. With adverse planets causes fear the loss of one of the sources of income (loss of place, closing businesses and etc.).

VIII in the III-m. Corresponds to a change in the distribution of capital, or death of relatives and cousins and colleagues.

VIII to IV-m. Some kind of death in the family, the sale or loss of property. Particularly dangerous in the charts of people engaged in agriculture, because under adverse planets, or configurations can cause crop damage.

VIII in the V-meter. The fading of feelings or death of a child (sometimes this attitude does not lead to physical death, but to parting with a child, so that the subject as he would no longer exist). In horoscopes old actors completion stage career.

VI-VIII in meters. The increase in domestic spending, particularly related to health, or predicting the death of aunt or uncle, as well as an employee or servant. Under favorable planets conducive to health, because literally, this position is the death of (VIII house) disease (VI house).

VII-VIII in meters. Under adverse planets predicts rupture of relations with a close friend, sometimes his death. Sometimes acts as a one-year House VII VIII house birth chart.

VIII to VIII-m. Underlines indicate the house of horoscope of birth.

VIII to IX th. Instructed to appeal to the supreme court in the charts of those leading the process, and on investment of capital abroad, foreign loans, purchase securities abroad.

VIII to X m. Material or moral obligations tending over the subject, and complicating his situation. If the set of indicators with a bad, this position may mark the loss of status or position.

VIII to XI th. Announced the possible death of someone of his friends. Under adverse planets sign death plans. " With Pluto indicates a major change in the plans and aspirations of the subject influenced by events and circumstances that will occur or will develop throughout the year.

VIII to XII th. Or the need to resolve cases involving debts and obligations of, or reduction concerns. If WITH unhealthy, this configuration predisposes to fainting, to the aggravation of chronic diseases.
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