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Variety of children characters

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Variety of children characters


Showing an increased curiosity in everything new, unusual, and in various areas. His interests are often chaotic, unstable nature - it is hard for a long time to focus their attention on one lesson. Loves to dream and gather around their peers, engaging them with their stories, often fictional, but serve hot, emotionally and convincingly. 

At times, it finds the apathy, and then he loses interest in everything and misses, with a change of scenery, the appearance of new people and things quickly revived and included in the communication or enjoys another matter. Usually he has a lot of familiar guys (or girls), but this was not always worth the permanent and serious relationship, it's familiar and often random. 

Make him do something against the wishes of useless - he resists, can fall into aggression and even do the opposite. Easily shared with other children their own stuff and just take from others, absent-mindedly forgetting to give. Do not take offense and not vindictive. 


By nature - quiet, friendly. Does not seek to subjugate their peers, he is free to assign to the games and be in a subordinate role. If it hurt, it usually does not complain about the senior that he did not think momma's boy (my daughter): do not want to antagonize friends or classmates. 

Can be passive in the classroom, laziness, a big fan for a long time to eat and sleep. It must be regularly push even forced to do the necessary - lessons or something around the house. Likes to listen for hours to stories told by others that they had a lot of interesting details, entertaining adventure, scenic descriptions. 

His emotions often are positive, in communicating with others can make you laugh around, poke fun, but without malice, lifting them up. 


As a child - is dutiful, serious child. He likes to think different games, often playing himself, and his passion attracts other children for hours tinkering with various "designer", and the more complex game, so it interesting. First drawn to books of various genres, while not stop at one thing and pursue careers can devote most of his time, the school leans more toward the natural science subjects than to the humanities. 

Initiative in communicating the first does not show, but can respond to the initiative of others, especially when it manifests itself in an emotional manner. He has come in strange habits. 

Can change the drag to do some kind of an interesting thing for him, if there is an element of novelty (in games, hobbies can invent new types of equipment, weapons). 

Typically, the companies behind due to the inability to freely behave with them, entertain, make people laugh. Do not like being interrupted to shy away from the topic. Poorly remembers people's names, as opposed to information cognitive character. 


Very dynamic and sociable. Has a lot of friends and acquaintances. He likes to describe them in detail with a good hand, sometimes - with a negative shade. Shows the whole curiosity and tries to touch them all by hand. Very touchy, even over trivial matters can easily cry, but also quickly distracted. Inclined to forgive wrongs, or does not show the form that is angry. 

Neusidchiv, it is difficult to focus on something a long time. Bored, if not a company or just someone close to talk to. He likes to collect different, often sensational information with a view to its distribution on the principle: "secret throughout the world." Needs of the interlocutor who can clearly and simply explain the meaning of obscure things for him, "put all on the shelves." Very offended if from it have something to hide. 

Often takes care of others, especially those who overlooked: it may do to others as a nice gift or small services. 


In his early childhood exhibits pride and independence in the judgments and actions. Does not always find common language with their peers, may withdraw into themselves, to demonstrate detachment. Simultaneously seeking to attract the attention of original tricks, pretentiousness in words, gestures, manner of communicating with other children. 

Shows a craving for different arts: poetry recitation, singing, dancing. Often successfully copied my friends, is able to show the funny side in the behavior of others. 

Can dramatically change your emotional state - from the stormy sobs and tears to the unbridled joy, or, conversely, melancholy. 

Illegible in food - can use incompatible products (eg, cucumber with milk, etc.) that often leads to frustration, or produces other harmful habits. 


Very serious, focused and disciplined child. Maybe a long time to play alone, not bored. For toys and other things of his concerns very carefully and upset when they break or someone takes them without asking. 

Neat and tidy, he tries to keep his clothes and shoes clean; may fight with peers, he intentionally soiled or damaged in some sort of his thing. 

Does not like to stand out from the circle of children, may be rather ordinary party games than they organized or inspired. Shunned risky escapades in which he sucked more sprightly and active peers. But to defend his dignity can, firmness, obstinacy, and even cruelty toward opponents. 

Tries to never be late to class, leaving early from the house. Forcing himself to learn by heart what others learn on the fly, have been slow in decisions, experiencing difficulty in solving tasks that require creativity and unconventional thinking. Usidchiv and scrupulous, tries to make out their beautiful work. 

Fantastic character - Malvina "Golden Key". 


Often a leader among his peers, mainly due to his physical strength, hardness, ability to impose its will. May behave provocatively-rough with others, be undisciplined in the classroom. 

Likes outdoor games, exercise, early masters bicycle and other types of technology, passion to compete, especially in racing. Quarreling, the first does not go to conciliation, but a long time does not get stuck on their experiences. 

Often can not find the use of their abilities, and spends time and energy on questionable companies, Brawls and empty pastime. If something decides not like to give, his actions are often impulsive, with elements of risk and adventure, in his anger should be left alone. Very much depends on my mood, which affects relationships with others, and academic achievement. 

Fantastic character - daughter Atamansha robbers from "Snow Queen" GH Andersen. 


Usually soft, compliant child. Because of this can be easily as good or bad influence. If you do not direct its actions may fall into dubious company and bad for him the story. In their studies and hobbies of interest is often replaced by passivity and boredom - everything depends on the people around him (parents, teachers, friends). 

Able to get along with most people, having to his kindness and easy character. Therefore, adults often indulge his zadarivaya toys and a lot easier. Then it can manifest itself in moodiness, and increased selfishness, inability and unwillingness to sacrifice for others their time and energy. 

In school, more inclined to the humanities (literature, history, foreign languages). By nature - dreamy and contemplative. Can build their imaginary ideals and illusions. 

In complex situations, does not show emotion and knows how his views and a constant smile to calm others. Usually believe that arrange everything well. 

Fantastic character - Thumbelina from a fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen. 


A child of this type are always fascinated by some business and gave him all the time and energy. Since childhood, likes traveling and hiking - and more and it is for him more attractive. Never complains of fatigue or pain from the scratches, bruises and abrasions. He likes to talk in detail about his adventures, often priviraya for significance and picturesque narrative. By nature a bold pioneer, likes to test himself in different circumstances. 

Such children are always busy, they have no time for something that does not coincide with their plans. With sufficient perseverance they can be persuaded: they are quite pliable and does not want to spoil relations with others. Because of this, a lot of promise can not always keep their word and then come up with a bunch of good reasons for your justification. 

May occasionally get caught in bad stories, so how terribly restless, fearless and extremely curious. 


This is usually restrained children are serious. Diligent, well try to learn school subjects, but a special initiative in their studies do not show, often kept in the shadow of the more active peers. Rather vulnerable and sensitive, they may have low self-esteem. They are easy to offend a joke or a careless word. Experiencing, when they noticed deception, subterfuge others. Reliable and exacting in peace, try not to spoil the well-established relationships with others, but if they feel that they have neglected, can go first. 

Jealous of your belongings and their territory. Very sandwiched among strangers, long look around before entering into communion. Can not sit long without any employment, most often reach for manual work (girls sew, help around the house, the guys something to master). 

Worry if you have something to wait long. More homebody than lovers walk on to friends. Jealous to those who believe "their". 


Very moving, restless children. In the company of their peers in the class is usually in the limelight, love to attract attention. Rather unpredictable in behavior: they often change the mood and attitude toward others; they are easy to fight and just as easily tolerated; throw old hobbies and friends and make new. 

Not really required, and consistent, they are difficult to rely on. Defensively, can invent, and very convincing and had no qualms. In the games, disputes and conflicts are usually side with the stronger, as well feel the balance of power in the group. 

Love sports, especially outdoor games, gymnastics: have a good reaction, eye, very reckless and captivate others with your example. May be involved in dubious company, but are able to at a crucial moment in time to leave and avoid the risk of punishment. 

Learn without much enthusiasm, sometimes can take time off and run off from school, preferring the tactile pleasure (to play football or swim in the river). Quite practical, like something to exchange, buy and sell, showing that entrepreneurial spirit, ingenuity and good diplomatic skills. Able to be instigators and games to entertain the other jokes and podkalyvaniyami and skillfully defended from the attacks of others. 

Fairy-tale characters - from tales Carlson A. Lindgren. 


This is often thoughtful, sensible children. Can be kept apart, avoid big and noisy companies. In the games, and busy inert, even lazy. They have a rich inner life, not always reflected in their behavior. Read a lot and are highly intelligent for his age. In general the activities of a class or group usually take the contemplative, sitting on the fence. Are often dissatisfied with their facial expressions, tend to criticize others, let barbs. Peers often consider them to be "too clever" because they love to cite examples from your reading, to show their awareness on all issues, not hiding his intellectual superiority. 

In conflicts prefer not to participate and avoid direct confrontation, may be subject to ill-pressure and physically stronger peers, though internally it is very unpleasant. Feel insecure in a situation where you need to be fun, emotion, passion, not like "exposed" to the public, to show for all their abilities to solo. 

Attached to their things, especially the old and familiar. Homebody at heart and is usually difficult to get into the company. Will not do what they uninteresting and useless from the practical side. 

Can often exasperate those around her whining, discontent, grouchiness. Their posture is often observed an early tendency to stoop or retraction of the head into her shoulders. 

Fairy-tale characters - Kid Tales from A. Lindgren "Karlsson on the Roof. 


These children are very straightforward and often cutting remarks and actions. They do not like gimmicks, evasiveness, falsity in the behavior of others. Serious and faithful friend, always try to fulfill their promises and expect the same from others. 

Can lead others: in such cases are very responsible and strict, but specifically for the leadership is not enforced. They do not like empty entertainment and leisurely chat. Usually sooner find themselves some standing exercises and doing it thoroughly and for a long time. 

Always uphold the principles of justice, advocate for wronged and the weak. Very hardworking, can not long sit around and be sick. 

More often interested in technology and acquire skills early handmade and all sorts of tools (soldering iron, saw, drill, etc.). Try to make their plans quickly and accurately; irritated and out of yourself if someone breaks their plans or distracts from the case. 

Monitor the cleanliness of their clothes and shoes and order in their room or corner, for books, toys and tools. Drawn to the difficult technique, various designers, patterns, early start to get acquainted with the special technical journals ("Radio", "Model-builder" and others). 


Usually it is soft, kind, responsive children. Peers often turn to them for help, knowing that they will never fail. This quality of the environment can sometimes abused, loading all sorts of requests Humanists and errands. More nimble and entrepreneurial are often written off their dictation and control, use their textbooks and notebooks. Humanists, very diligent, industrious students a responsible attitude to their duties. 

They are modest and shy behavior, not over-emphasize their strengths and successes. Never try to lead and other subordinate itself: rather succumb to the dispute, even if self-righteous, to maintain good relations. 

Among very close friends may serve as conciliators, as are suffering because of quarrels and misunderstandings. At the same time try not to hold frank someone aside and be objective. Different attachment to people and make friends for many years with the same guys. Very worried when people do not respect their opinion. Then go into the shadows, not wanting to "imposed". 

Fabulous person - from the fairy tale Cinderella S. Perrot. 


This is usually gregarious, emotional children. Always drawn to new experiences and new people, it is easy to absorb information, especially if there is an element of the ordinary, even fabulous. Very dreamy and often tend to indulge in illusions and fantasies. Optimistic, do not despair and disappointment at the collapse of his hopes, in contrast, tend to inspire others, and disabused of desperate people. 

Can strongly internally worry, but do not display their grief show, as trying not to upset relatives and friends. Constantly come out with different proposals and ideas are not always realistic, and often provocative criticism and ridicule from the more practical peers. But due to its buoyancy, the mastermind is not lost even in desperate situations and find out where the more experienced discouraged. Therefore they often seek the advice of classmates and friends. 

They are very observant, perceptive for his age and can ignore other hidden features. They hardly give rigorous and monotonous work, love to switch their attention to other things. 

Fantastic character - Gerda. 


This is restrained, demonstrativenesses, sometimes even closed the children. Very sensitive to the estimates in his address, both positive and negative. Not tolerate their failures, may lose confidence in yourself and your abilities. Constantly in need of incentives and a positive attitude toward myself. 

By the nature of most melancholy, and therefore in need of vzbadrivanii and warm and friendly participation. Reliable in friendship, sympathy, always ready to help anyone who they personally likable. Heavily dependent on its current state, and can go in the wake of his moods, which is reflected both in their classroom, and on relations with other people. 

Very erudition, erudition, try to keep abreast of events taking place around. Toward large companies and their peers can reach people much older than himself. With the majority of children in the class of masters often add up quite a complicated relationship because of their tendency toward alienation and individualism in behavior that is perceived as "arrogance." This is due to the presence in them of different systems and over or, conversely, low self-esteem. 

From childhood are attracted to occupations related to manual work, like helping around the house in the country, but not tolerate the pressure on himself and the criticism. Because of the inability to show positive emotions are often considered cold and callous, but it is not always the case. Configured for internal and external harmony, both in relationships and in business, striving to achieve a high level of skill. Very fond of nature and travel. 

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