Neptune in houses with
Neptune in the house I always point to some kind of illusion or difficult to implement projects. House, controlled this planet in the natal or annual cards, or occupied by Neptune at the time of birth, can clarify what are these illusions or hopes.
Neptune in II house creates the illusion that the entity expects some profit. Financial calculations are incorrect subject. This is an indication of financial instability and uncertainty.
Neptune in House III advises us not to trust women belonging to the surroundings of the subject, because bad aspects, emphasizing the threat may lead to various troubles associated with a bad reputation or a hoax.
Neptune in House IV announced anything about the unstable situation in the family, the related worries and anxiety, or plans relating to the hearth, the family or estate, which does not materialize as outlined the subject.
Neptune in the V house is usually noted concerns and worries related to children, sensual life will take place soon in the mental than in physical terms, the subject will be deceived in their calculations. This is also the danger of sensual frustration.
Neptune in House VI indicates a diet that does not match the peculiarities of the body of the subject / or at risk of poisoning / or illness, the source of which more mental than physical.
Neptune in House VII violates the harmony of married life and if it is struck, to fear of fraud or adultery, or people who can be regarded as having a common subject with the right to anything.
Neptune in VIII house poses a danger primarily to monetary interests of the subject that are threatened by some fraud or dark machinations. Often this is due to an error of a spouse or companion.
Neptune in the ninth house indicates that water travels / or travel to the water, such as leaving the subject in the seaside resort / or an increase in the mystical tendencies.
Neptune in the tenth house of an unsustainable situation, which under certain circumstances can be stabilized / if the card favors /, but most often it is the threat of failure. If this position of Neptune struck, it will lead to scandal.
Neptune in the eleventh house generally means friends, which can not be counted / if it does not have very good aspects. With bad aspects, he predicts disappointment related to the subject of close people, sometimes quarrels over the third party. Suggests that the hopes and plans of the subject is not materialize.
Neptune in the twelfth house indicates some mysteries and omissions. Subject weakens health concerns, anxiety, nervous depression. If Neptune has very good effect, he favors everything related to spiritualism or psychic.