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Venus in a home solar horoscope

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Venus in a home solar horoscope
Year is important in terms of manifestations of the personal activity of man, the implementation of its initiatives. If Venus is not hard hit, he manages to successfully implement their projects. Generally, a person is in a buoyant state, often smiling, a lot of fun, swagger. State of love, the events in intimate life. Increasing the physical attractiveness of human interest in their image, makeup, jewelry, beautiful things, jewelry. Contributes to success through personal charm person, optimism, and sociability. Important event may relate to a person's appearance, especially if Venus has a dimension with the manager of ASC in the Radix or she is named. Venus is also conducive for that house, diesel fuel, the ruler of which she is. But her position dispositor in a solarium will indicate the cause of this elevated state of man. Personal contact person this year are of great importance for subsequent years. Negative aspects of Venus leads to trouble in love, unnecessary links, and the inclination of man to change that.

Venus in 2 home solar horoscope
Some improvement in the financial situation of the person. In his order comes a free sum of money. Sometimes indicates a finding of financial independence (for example, in yesterday's school), start earning. In the absence of the defeat of Venus talks about the possibility of savings this year. Increased interest in the material side of life, employment, money issues. The opposition of Venus in 8 th house can mean big expenses and losses, often of a criminal nature. Year auspicious for those employed in the jewelry industry, artisanal production, for image makers, stylists, hairdressers, etc. Earnings due to applied arts and crafts. Expenditure on clothes, jewelry and cosmetics. For a man points to spending on women. Negative aspects of Venus bias towards messy waste, excessive costs of living beyond their means.

Venus in the 3 home solar horoscope
Often, depending on the aspect characterizes the communication style of man, his luck in the contacts. Thus, positively aspected, indicates a nice company and interesting conversation, a person satisfies the atmosphere around. Negatively aspected, indicates a bad contact that person, however, will try to optimize for themselves. May indicate a fairly large circle of friends, compared to previous years. Thoughts and conversations about the beautiful. Could indicate the love letters, love at a distance or multiple assignation, links to travel. Intimate relationship with a buddy (buddy). Strengthening of sympathy for the brothers and sisters. Perhaps the love affair with a younger-age man. Year, good for writers, journalists, traders, brokers, as well as for learning, intellectual activity, the signing of important papers. Year is favorable also for brothers and sisters, man. Negative aspects of Venus bias towards messy, sometimes vicious connect, communicate on a "bigger is better", a non-permanent sympathies to his surroundings, to a false assessment of his.

Venus in 4 home solar horoscope
Most often indicates that a person spends the most time at home or even indoors. Love meeting people at home or in hotels, rented rooms, etc. Also spoke on the improvement of property, buying property, household goods and furnishings, the decision of the housing problem one way or another (judging by the background). Again, the profit or loss because of real estate, according to aspects. Decorating homes, sometimes cosmetic repairs. You can expect help parents, good relationships with their party. Nice atmosphere in the family, if not aggravating aspects. Adding to the family. This position puts the woman in an awkward position in romantic relationships. For a man can point to the females in his house. Year favorable to persons engaged in agriculture, mining, mining companies, for archaeologists, geologists, historians, and their respective investigations. Venus is also conducive to the deepening of occult problems, issues of family relationships and traditions, the secret kind. The negative aspects are often given a difficult situation in the family, the complications in the relationship.

Venus in the 5 home solar horoscope

New love relationship that can bear the trouble when Venus hit. Happy development affair. Upon confirmation of other methods of prediction (and the presence of the positive aspects of the 7 th house) indicates the engagement. The situation is favorable for children's rights, harmonizes their cause and character. For women, often points to pregnancy and childbirth, if it finds confirmation from other indicators. Burdened by the negative aspects, points to high risk pregnancies. Foster's financial operations, games, sports, often gives winnings in lotteries or wagers, if it has positive aspects in the 2 nd, 8 th or 10 th house. Generally increases the gambler, the propensity to risky behavior. Successfully formed a secular life. Man finds sympathy from influential persons, sponsorship, finding backers. Negatively aspected may indicate losses, losses due to reckless operation and acts, in trouble for children, love parting, perverse and promiscuous.

Venus in the 6 home solar horoscope
Usually indicates the improvement of official position, a slight increase in office. Opportunities for career novels. Harmonized relationship with the staff and subordinates. Sometimes it indicates a relationship with a man holding a lower or inferior position. Slightly improves the health, efficiency, nutrition and hygiene conditions. Sometimes in the last third of the houses indicates the setting-up a pet. Participation in events entertaining character. Negatively aspected, Venus says undesirable connections with subordinates and staff, complicating the service relationship. Health may be more affected, especially the kidneys and genitals. Unhealthy communication, influencing health status.

Venus in the 7 house solar horoscope
Conquest of sympathy and fans with personal charm, good manners and communication skills. Expansion of activity associated with working with the public at large. Involving allies, business partners, increase their numbers. Flirt, intrigues with them, love affairs. Possible happy meeting with the future preferred choice (especially with his future wife for men). Increasing popularity of the person, his ability to influence the mood of the masses, to external events. Strengthening community activity, contact. Being affected the negative aspects, gives a lot of temptations, often declines to change that. In the horoscope of a married man often means the emergence of an extramarital affair. In the positive aspects allows conjugal happiness is often found in the year of marriage (if Venus is not retrograde. Retrograde gives respite).

Venus in 8 home solar horoscope
Most often indicates a short-term sexual relationships with a mutual attraction with no obligations. Also indicates a change in romantic relationships (or rather, in the direction of their impairment), the heavy emotions, doubts, and anguish. This is an important milestone in a memorable love. Can mark the resumption of a love relationship or an attempt to resume. May indicate a plastic surgery or cosmetic procedures, especially when associated with Pluto, the solar ASC or ASC ruler in Radix. Luck in money transactions, issues with foreign ownership and capital, the problems with the auditors of financial institutions. Upon confirmation of other indicators may receive a small inheritance. Year is favorable for investment, profit sharing, income. Negative aspects of doing financial transactions fairly risky, with the possibility of losses. Provide experiences for intimate relationships, unhappy turns of romantic relationships. Could mean the death of the woman, friend, partner.

Venus in the 9 house solar horoscope
Year favorable for refresher training (including overseas), for teaching. Year extension of prospects, research and development of teaching methods, impact on people's minds. Good for any intellectual activity, promotes advances in this field. Good for the literary work and publishing their works for the publishing, religious and philosophical thought and advocacy. Expansion of public and business relations, in particular with foreign citizens, organizations and enterprises. Often indicates idealizirovanie romantic relationships and the way a loved one. Sometimes having an affair with a man from a distance, the other nationality. Affair gives the possibility of expanding the prospects and outlook of the person. Communication with loved ones on an intellectual level. The desire to travel and change places. May also indicate the travel lover (mistress). Negative aspects of Venus do not give a favorable development of possible love connections. Vain hope for their prospects. Unsuccessful or failed trip, failures in intellectual activity.

Venus in 10 home solar horoscope
Personal charm, image, communication skills, pleasant demeanor helps professional advancement, career growth, employment of a higher social status. Also help in the realization of current goals and objectives, on the aggregate performance of 10 th house. Often, success depends on the goodwill of the authorities, government representatives, community and government agencies. Gaining an influential patron. Affair with the boss. For women may indicate to the meeting with her future husband, the long-awaited marriage to marriage, which gives a high position and solvency. For men indicates a finding of female patron, an affair with a woman occupying a higher position, as well as happiness for his mother. Advances in the profession, personal relationships, good reputation. Struck by the negative aspects, Venus warns of trouble, a scandal because of an affair, loss of reputation and status, even resignation. Postponement (also in retrograde Venus) or cancellation of marriage.

Venus in 11 home solar horoscope
Gaining fans among friends and friendly sympathy, popularity. Expanding circle of friends, there are joint plans, poludruzheskie polulyubovnye communication. This year's plans come true with respect to human affairs, pointed to the imposition of cusp solar 11 th house in the Radix, or operated by Venus in the solarium. In general, the year of hopes and projects (often even with the bad aspects, which indicates that only the difficulty in performance). On the realization of plans for the affair to be judged by the presence of aspects of the 7 th house, since they indicate the possibility of continuing communication and its formalization, or rupture. This year, perhaps the opening of an unusual gift, for example, poetry, acting, teaching talent. Fun, fun, partying. Satisfaction of companionship. Help women, friendship with women. Could designate the marriage of a child. Negative aspects reduce the chances of the plans, make friendships and love affairs are not so satisfactory. Tendency to give misleading, false ideological position, delights in pleasures.

Venus in 12 home solar horoscope
The collapse of most plans rights, especially regarding those things that relate to home, ruled by Venus in the solarium, and on its dimensions and the projection to the natal home. Figuratively speaking, this aspect of the losers. Experiences, disappointments, frustrations and anxieties due to love affairs, unsatisfied sensuality. But, positively aspected, Venus, at least partially protects against negative influences of the 12 th house. Memories of former love. Secret love. People aware of the deepest desires and share them (usually with the object of love). May indicate a forced solitude, deprivation of liberty of action, one or another form of incarceration (but life will still be held in the not-very unpleasant circumstances). Sometimes indicates a desire to emigrate, the departure of the wrong places and secret lifestyles. In general, contributes to all hidden, secret activities, but also strengthens and powerful enemies of man. Favorable position for the inner life, reflection, exploration alone. In the horoscope of the child may point to a secret erotic experience.

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