Violence among children and adolescents
Violence among children and adolescents - a topic that can not but worry. Upon learning of the sufferings of 9-year-old schoolgirl who lost sleep because suffering beatings at the time of change, we feel sadness or anger. School should be a place where children grow and develop, not a place for the manifestation of the negative sides of human nature. Unfortunately, experience suggests otherwise. A school classroom is not insured against acts of aggression and violence erupting in the classroom, at recess or on the way to school, and often completely dominate the daily routine of the child. This unpleasant side of human nature found in people of all ages, and childhood is not an exception here.
However, a comparison of forms of violence in different schools leads to the conclusion that there is no one "handwriting", one of the denominator, such as. The problem varies from school to school, has specific features characteristic of this class or quarter. Violence appears in a myriad of options. We are forced to seek methods of taming, in accordance with the form or guise in which it finds itself. Manifestations of child abuse are always imprint of a school, a particular group of children and adolescents, one way or another medium.
The fastest way adults react to obvious aggression. This refers to cases of child sadism, where children torment their peers or engage in actions that go beyond the usual pranks and scary for their brutality and lack of restraint. In one of the 5-grade elementary school was subjected to constant harassment obese and short-sighted girl. During recess or on the way to school a few boys, encouraged his classmates, was surrounded by a girl - almost disabled - and, snatching her glasses and trampled them underfoot, only to collectively enjoy the sight of her sobbing and helpless, trying to find a way. The weakness of this girl was the reason for bullying on their part.
Explicit violence may be directed not only against individuals, causing heightened interest to their surroundings, but also the entire group. In one school in Zurich, there was the fashion for "dwarf tossing". Students during recess 5-and 6-graders caught 7 - and 8-year-old first graders stood in line in front of the field and staged a competition: The winner is the one who managed the farthest throw in the youngsters - a boy or a girl. Another example of abuse of one age group over another, implemented in the form of terror, hidden from the eyes of an adult, took place in a school in Bern. Opposite the school building is a shop that sells audio and video products.

Its director, appealed to school officials complaining about the frequent theft of disks, in which he accused the students of the school. He claimed that most of stealing tapes and discs - the children of primary school age. Elementary school teacher refused to believe it, and indignantly rejected the very thought of something like that, it seemed unlikely that the students 1 st and 2 nd grades may have been involved in the theft. All of this seemed to them a clear misunderstanding, and they denied all accusations. However, after a result of connecting experts on critical situations were investigated and related work with the students themselves, found that younger students have been victims of terror by a group of boys, grade 6. These "grandparents" were ordered to carry babies for them to drive under the threat of physical force. Fear of junior pupils of retaliation by the high school was the reason for their silence. What is happening remained a mystery for parents and teachers.
Verbal abuse
Along with the explicit and verbalized forms of aggression is not uncommon it hidden and carefully disguised manifestations, unfortunately, all too often escape the attention of the teacher. In one of the classes we ran in the eye feature placement of children at their desks: they clung to the windows. Wide average number remained unoccupied. The teacher explained this behavior is "fashion". Through our investigation revealed that a group of class leaders did not like it when their classmates enjoyed the middle aisle between the desks. Therefore, they were ordered to use the pass along the windows. Anyone who dared to violate this provision, waiting for revenge on the reverse. Pupils in this class was no doubt who owns the leadership in the classroom. The teacher was in their eyes, an empty fiction, the true power of media sitting next to them.
Often, violence among children and adolescents can be expressed verbally, as it takes place in those classes and schools, where the run foul obscene language, or in companies adolescents who use when communicating crudest words and vocabulary, drawn from the field of sexual relations. In such cases, the vocabulary of a weapon for the application of mutual shock. Escalation verbalized forms of violence can manifest itself in writing. In one essay the boy described how, in his opinion, he had to do with his schoolmate Karin: "In the beginning it was hanged and then cut off the hands and feet. Then she pulled out the language and ripped his stomach. After all this, she stuffed in her mouth and Karin bomb exploded. On this finish. "
Regardless of whether the violence manifests itself verbally, overtly or covertly, it never leaves us indifferent, and calls for a response. When the school becomes a place of torture and suffering of children, and the "dismantling" in times of change no longer be in the nature of harmless pranks, teachers, psychologists and parents can not pretend that it's not their minds work, and should try to find a way out of this situation. First of all, let us turn to the psychological underpinnings of violence. After excursions into the past, we consider aspects of violence in the modern school. In conclusion, we will focus on patterns of behavior, rituals, and children who have lost their social and cultural orientation. Finally, we will try to present the image of the school is able to become an active factor in countering any manifestations of violence.