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Violence fears a violent

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Violence fears a violent ...

"In a number of exercises in Stoicism, the jobs that I treated with the seriousness it possible for a boy came and exercises related to the ability to transfer physical pain. Our teachers are often in a very unfriendly manner and inappropriately awarded us the blows and kicks, which forced us to make the very strict prohibition of them oppose. A lot of youthful amusements based on competition in the ability to endure such things, for example, when the rivals took turns beating each other until the whole hand numb members or when the loser has to stoically withstand the shocks, when, during a fight one of the contestants can not embarrass yourself tweaks the other, already half vanquished, when transferred to the pain inflicted out of mischief, and even tickled when young people are trying to one-to pretend that they were not tickled. The ability to endure pain gives advantages that we are not so easy to deny.

Since such resistance to pain has become my habit, increased persistence of others in the desire to break my will, and as such displays of wildlife cruelty do not know the measures it has managed to pass the limits of my patience. I'll tell you one incident of many. The teacher was absent for an hour. While all children remain in the collection, we are very pleased to talking, but after the departure of children delighted in me, do not wait for the teacher, I was left alone with three boys who did not like me. They decided to exploit the situation and began to torment me, to disgrace, and then drive away. Joining me for a moment alone in a room, they came back from an improvised whip, obtained from the cut broom.

I'm guessing their intention, but because he believed that before the end of the lesson remained not so much time, then decided not to resist to the bells announcing the beginning of the new hours. They began the most merciless way to whip my legs and calves. I did not move, but soon realized that miscalculated, and that such pain extends minutes. As exercises in patience grew my rage, and the first bells I grabbed her hair at the nape of one of the boys, least expected such a reaction from my side, and instantly threw him to the ground, clutching his back knee, the other a more youthful and weak boy , lashed out at me from behind, I almost choked, seizing his hand on his head and pulled her to him. Remained the last of the boys is also not the weakest of them, while in my possession, there was nothing except his left hand. However, I grabbed his clothes and thanks to his agility and his hastily dumped him, hitting a person on the floor.
The boys did not stint on the biting, scratching and kicking, but I did not think of anything else except revenge. Privileged position, in which I was, let me hit their heads against each other, which I did with some exasperation. Finally, they cried out in full throat, and soon we found ourselves surrounded by members of the household. Scattered on the floor and whips my ispolosovannye feet from where I took stockings, quickly proved my innocence. I was not subjected to punishment and released to the world, but I said that in the case of the slightest insult to their hand in the future scratched insolent eyes, tear off your ears, then strangle at all ... "

Violence is afraid only of violence ... It is appropriate to make a point that affects the whole problem: if education of children from privileged strata of society of their teachers and mentors are making every effort to teach their pets moderation, obedience, and even sanity, as well as abstinence from causing someone or pain from the caprice or arrogance and suppression in itself all the negative impulses. While the young creatures practiced in Stoicism, they have to endure from others all that meets in their own sharp condemnation and is strictly prohibited. As a result, accidents are a ruthlessly squeezed between the natural and cultural conditions and subject to the inherent nature of the warehouse are either sneaky or able to wild outbursts of rage, coming after the periods when they are able to contain his emotions.

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