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Violence in kindergarten

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Violence in kindergarten

Imagine that you are sitting with your colleagues in a beautiful restaurant in the open air, surrounded by greenery. You talking to peacefully enjoying joint eating Piccata Milanese (cutlet Milanese) and a wonderful evening. Suddenly, your neighbor is on the table starts the plug into your dish of spaghetti and flung him to the ground. You protest, but instead of apologizing, he grabs your purse and throwing it on the street, and you barely have time to follow the curve described by it. Boiling with indignation, you hold on to the offender, and then your unscrupulous neighbor loudly complaining about the restaurant manager on your behavior ...

Probably you imagined a nice dinner a little differently, and behavior of your companions are not too pleased with you. This scene looks like outliers. However, children who attend kindergarten, faced with such behavior constantly. What seems to us a bunch of low-or wanton cry, in the perception of children has its etiology. To feel the violence is in kindergarten , we need to mentally put yourself in their place. Children experiencing acts of aggression and violence in the kindergartens differs no less dramatic than in the above case in the restaurant. Things that seem, in the opinion of adults, innocent mischief in the eyes of children look completely different.

When the lesson needlework six-year girl suddenly faced with aggressive behavior of his neighbor's party, who hurt her hand, or when the boy showed his partner in the game that his sandwich better, gets hit in the stomach, the children react to it no less painful than we are in the case described in the restaurant - they cover the rage and despair. By putting yourself in the place of children and childhood experiences have learned to take seriously, you begin to realize the full extent of the problem of violence and aggression as for the kindergarten teacher, and for the children themselves. This problem, which many children and the teacher faced in the most affluent in the form of day care centers, which show children playing can lead to a touching tenderness of unsuspecting passers-by.
Forms of violence and aggression in kindergarten are not like in school. At every stage of its development aggressive impulses of children are expressed in different ways, in kindergarten, we are dealing with one stage in the school - on the other. If a school violence repairs, usually some kind of group in kindergarten troublemakers are one or two children. The boy, with a swinging hit on the head peer wooden bars at the end of a long and peaceful co-operation on the construction of the garage, or a girl in the face of his peers from the stairs as punishment for ridicule - are typical examples of violence in kindergarten. Aggressive behavior is the individual carrier. Violence in kindergarten occurs sporadically, in separate incidents and events.

 Instances where acts of violence initiated by separate group of children are relatively rare. No less rare cases in which violent acts involved the entire kindergarten, or rather, his pets, as happened in the incident with the teacher, met by a hail of shoes after a short absence, or when one girl managed to cobble together a small gang, specializing in theft and damage to toys. Unlike school, where violence has quickly become a problem of group psychology, in kindergarten violence associated with the action of separate, individual children.

Specificity of violence in kindergarten

The next moment, it is worth attention, concerns the very specific forms of violence in the kindergartens. Its characteristic feature is the immediacy. Two children had just played peacefully with each other, when suddenly the next moment a child gets up crying and complaining that the other struck him "right in the stomach." Violence in the kindergartens do not know the preliminary stage, reflection, anticipation, stress accumulation period, which seeks a way out and finally finds relaxation. One state in the blink of an eye is reversed, the peaceful sniff breaks outbursts. Halftones is not here.

Many pupils of kindergartens do not realize until the end of their actions. No understanding of the consequences of their actions and feelings of guilt. The boy hits the girl, and then knocking it down, starts to stomp his feet. The teacher pulls him in horror from the victim: "Do not you know what you do to hurt her?" The boy shakes his head: "Why on me the same shoes!" Often justify violent action is a minor misdemeanor, punishable by a very subjectively ranked offense. The girl scratched another person just because she did not wait for her.

Many children do not realize the inadequacy of their responses and that bump on the head, punched in the stomach or hit with force causing another pain. Argument: "She has a stupid laugh - looks like an excuse for violence, as well as the following:" Nothing she had to shout. " Often aggressive behavior of children at odds with their words. All claim they are against violence - that does not prevent them to use violence against their peers. But it is quite another thing! Can you patiently endure the fact that "she had such horrible patent leather shoes?

Unlike school teacher teacher does not remain aloof from what is happening, it involves in the thick of things and share their innermost, it was aware of all the mutual claims. If the school children often keep silent out of a desire not to look "informers" in the eyes of their age group and hide what is happening on the teacher, the kindergarten children excitedly run to the educator with complaints of their peers: "Urs hit me!", "Barbara I pinched. They did not hesitate to give their peers expect of kindergarten teacher assistance or support, tell all the details of the incident.

Because individual children show a real virtuosity in the art of complaining and very slightly over the loud demand immediate intervention teacher, she should first weigh the pros and cons, and before you intervene, think about whether to do it and not be better to give children the opportunity to settle the conflict . Often crying stops by itself as soon as children notice that the teacher is not going to respond to every trifling occasion.

Children inform the teacher of all their troubles, believing that any manifestation of violence and aggression in kindergarten partially lie on her conscience. Children and adults are areas not yet clearly delineated. If a 4-m class violence often goes beyond its own subculture and a child who has put teachers aware of the incident is regarded as a traitor, children in kindergarten certainly expect kindergarten teacher some reaction. Any event requires a certain relationship with her hand. Implementation of the violence is not confined to the sphere of their subculture, as calculated on the perception of the whole environment. Within this community, children educator to delegate a special role: it is meant as a referee, the conducting line between unacceptable and healthy aggression. Children need from her, that she stood on one side or another.

The essence of the problem - finding common ground between the position and the position of children's kindergarten teacher. If the position is unacceptable to them for psychological reasons, children reject it. The position of the kindergarten teacher should be correlated, aligned with the nature of the child's perception. All her words must affect the strings in children's minds and not be abstruse, but understandable at the level of their development. Chances for assimilation of children of utopian ideas, or ideas radical clerics are minimal.
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