Violence in society
I will begin with a sad but obvious fact: Our daily life is full of violence. It's like a curse that weighs on all of humanity, and poisons the lives of not only the individual, family, ethnic and religious groups, but also entire nations. Violence appears synonymous with destruction, destructive behavior and is associated with committing acts that would defeat the will of another person or animal (and plants too); commit violence - it means to kill, destroy, deny another living being's right to life, her own views, wishes and interests. Psychologists agree that the violence in society , though, and reflects an irrational state of mind is not only or even not so much a manifestation of animal behavior patterns as specifically human phenomenon, because very often goes beyond the biological feasibility and includes a conscious goal setting.
The main motive of violent behavior - self-assertion by the other. The overwhelming majority of people, violence in society - the absolute evil. Is it really? Initially, the man is hard to detect anything obviously bad or wicked. Everyone needs food, safety, care, love, and strives for respect, craves approval, seeking self-actualization and fulfillment. And there's no room conviction, on the contrary, these desires and aspirations are considered useful in society and should be encouraged. To be cautious in the estimates, we can say that these human aspirations rather neutral, rather than bad.

On the other hand, much of what is considered violent, sometimes due to disease state, body or soul - the ignorance, stupidity, immaturity of the personality, the imperfection of social laws and social conditions. In this case, we can come to the aid of a psychotherapy that promotes mental health improvement rights, or education, providing his knowledge, and personal physical and mental development, but also improve the political, economic and social conditions of life.
Subdivided into physical violence, which consists in bullying man causing him bodily pain, abuse and manipulation, and psychological, occurring just as frequently, but less dramatic. Fear for their lives and security, greed and envy are pushing people to the aggression and the use of force to achieve its goal. Historically, any human relationship, no matter how they were at first dictated by love, friendship and co-operatives represent more or less the expression of the struggle for power, and therefore, in varying degrees, accompanied by violence.
A typical example is the State itself, whose policy is based on violence or involves violence as a tool or a means of maintaining order. There is insoluble to the individual mind is a paradox: for centuries the best minds of humanity with ethical, theological, philosophical positions and in their religious practice, teach peace, love, compassion and mutual cooperation and extol these virtues, but in reality are permanent destructive wars and violence everywhere done. Why so?
The problem of violence in society
Attitude to the problem of violence in society certainly seems to be condemning it really is not so definite. Christian preachers condemned the violence - "whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also" (Matt. 5, 39) - not included it in the list of mortal sins. However, in one of the Gospel parable Jesus violently with anger expelled from the temple merchants. Christian pilgrims have always had the opportunity to freely visit the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. And the Crusades were motivated by a desire not just to get free access to holy sites, and nasilnoovladet Jerusalem.
Another quote from the Gospel: "... all who take the sword shall perish by the sword" (Matt. 26, 52). The use of force leads to individual and collective escalation. Violence - is not neutral energy or tool that can be safely used to protect their and others' lives. From a psychological point of view, the violence - a force as such, close to the archetypal shadow. It tends to destroy both razresheniyuproblemy even when standing at the service of good. Pursuing sometimes quite creative assisting neighbors, violence does not lose its destructive value, does not get rid of aspects (seated in each of us Thanatos) "internal" killers and suicide bombers. "Paved with good intentions the way to hell."
Modern life is replete with glorification of violence. It suffices to turn TV on and within minutes you will be informed about the murder, robbery, destruction of, any desecration or show a fractured skull, exploded a car or a wall in the stairwell with a vesture dipped in blood. Ritualised violence is part of sports and martial arts, hockey, rugby, soccer, boxing, etc. Wildlife World are also not lagging behind as regards violence, its principles are: kill, defend, survive, or else he'll eaten, killed. Natural catastrophes and natural disasters - from the category of violence, uchinyaemogo nature of living beings.
Sung our nature threatens us marshy bogs, mountain rockfalls and avalanches, spring floods, floods, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. Man, God's creation, can not escape the violence, he is forced to live in its environment, or looking for it to have fun. Violence can not be reduced to a social pathology, it should be seen as a natural property rights as an integral part of his life. Psychological studies show that violence is an anthropological constant, it is inherent in human nature and has inexplicable attraction for both adults and children alike. Suffice it to recall "teenage war", "game voynushki.
The Russian public and individual culture has historically largely evolved as aggressive and violent. Numerous war - the liberation and conquest - inevitably formed as the leading type of aggressive behavior of the Russian people. Originally any holidays in Russia ended in fighting - "wall to wall", "street by street." Unspent internal energy looking for their manifestation, exit. The system of child-rearing methods include physical effects - spanking, elements of torment, humiliation, etc.
Today, living in Russia fifteen million people who have returned from behind the barbed wire prisons and labor camps. One in every four adult men in Russia - a former prisoner. We keep our first place in the world in the number of prisoners with respect to the entire population of our country. It is clear that the camp and a prison - the forge of violence, they instill in people an aggressive type of behavior, contempt and disregard for other people's rights and freedoms. Thus, the violence - an obvious fact of our existence, the output of unspent energy.