Vital Perspective
So each of us has endless possibilities and unlimited ability to create. If I still could not convince you, dear skeptics, just accept this postulate as an axiom - unsubstantiated, but a prerequisite for further work. Tell yourself: "I believe in myself! My possibilities are endless! I'm going to try the highest success and happiness the goal! "Repeat this affirmation over and over again until it becomes part of your worldview. Now you are ready to activate the great creative talents, and translate the potential into reality. The first step is to create a personal life perspective.
What is the life prospects ? This is a clear goal, which gives you the incentive to life, the desire to achieve and inspiration for daily creation of their own destiny. If a person is interested in nothing, not inspiring and not happy if he does not have any goals, plans for the future, if he feels the futility of his existence and plunged into a depression, it means that he has no real life perspective. Blame the husband, the government, low wages or intolerable living conditions as unreasonable as to consider themselves unable to change their lives for the better! I write about it in every book, because from time to time get letters with accusations of whose address you want, just not in his. As much as people want to blame someone responsible for their misfortunes!
Once again I appeal to you with the hope that those who need, be sure to hear: we create our own world! Yourself, for yourself! It would be naive to assume that some fan-Shuiskis mascots and a month of working with affirmations instantaneously commit miracles and change everything in life. After all, what currently surrounds you, you are creating for decades. Would you like to change? To work tirelessly over yourself! Year, two, three. Much needed. But nobody ever does this work for you! Nobody ever! Help you, you need help, but your way you have to go by. However, do not despair, cheerfully looking forward and know that the most difficult step - the first. You will succeed, because only the stars above us! Why am I so sure?

Yes, because the very way I live and see the wonderful manifestation of new thinking constantly, every day. If my life is something not too pleasant, I say: "Lord, I thank for the fact that the worst has happened, and from any lesson you should be able to draw conclusions." Tune in for the best - and it will be with you. Keep in mind that when we seek to major changes in life, we often hold "test of strength." Who does it and why, I can only guess.
I propose the following model for reflection of events.
Imagine a man who lived for many years, like everything: the stars of heaven was not enough to get your money, and discussed its neighbors, condemning the government, complaining of high prices, was watching TV. Everything, as always. And suddenly - sudden change. Changing political system, fired from his job, bucket illness leaves a loved one. Someone comes into the role of victim, and for other such events have become a turning point. A man decides to rebuild lives, begins to look for new ways to strive for perfection. And here then, and there are obstacles. For example, people built homes are on feng shui - and he smashed the car. This is the real test: are you ready to move on or immediately povernesh back?
What happens? Imagine the kind of overall energy mass, in which lives the vast majority of people. Suddenly a man has to jump out of this mass reach for something higher and brighter. To begin his attempt to bring back. Scared? Hidden? Well, that means, and further he will go all, as always. And if the aspirant to the light and joy of people even test takes calmly and confidently, knowing that everything happens for the better, it is left alone. "You - not ours, you will no longer nourishes us with fear, fly wherever you want." Here we are flying. High. Each of us has an inner compass that shows the true path of man - the desires and dreams. They help us understand our true nature and get in touch with the higher self. They open the way for the opportunities and become our guides on the path to success. Therefore I again and again to remind: treat your desires, dreams and aspirations closely with the respect and trust!
Dreams ...
High dream - a beacon, a guiding star, which is always light the way translating your destiny, your destiny. However, besides evaluation should have a more specific goal - that the harbor where the ship will seek your life. This should be a very important and attractive target for you. It must involve you and consistently inspire more and more steps to achieve it.
☼ When thinking about your goal, you feel a light heart, if your soul is filled with joy and anticipation of a miracle - it is just what you need!
You look in the right direction, your sails are filled with a fair wind of good luck and strength. This goal - indeed yours and she will lead you to success! But if, thinking about your goal, you do not feel the slightest tremor, which means you do not choose it in heart, and a cold, pragmatic reason. Rather, it generally is not yours. Maybe it's the dream of parents who wanted to bring it to life with your help. And maybe it's just a symbol of social prestige, the stereotype imposed by society "bad-good", "right-wrong".
In either case you need more time to listen to yourself, to your inner voice and understand what is really important and valuable for you, what purpose will meet your true desires. To do this, I suggest you do a little exercise.
Exercise "What I want most in the world?"
Ask yourself: what do you want more than anything else? What lesson gives you the greatest joy? What do you want to do what you want to be and what you want to be now and in the future? And now, based on responses specify his most cherished dream, the most attractive target for you. If all of your aspirations is difficult to fit in a single desire, to identify two or three goals. But not anymore, because you will need all the encouragement, all the passion to your higher purpose began to take shape. I do not advise spraying their most valuable energies on trivia!
Write down your wish on a piece of paper (by the way, it is better if the paper would be red - the color will enhance the energy of desire). If several goals, put them in order of importance: first, of course, the most coveted! In this case, repeat the appropriate occasion for affirmation, for example: "I'm creating a beautiful future for yourself!" Rest assured: your high friends will support you need. A year later, looking into their records, you will be surprised what changes have taken place on the way to implement your dreams!
Finally I want to warn you, my dear. Cherished goal you have identified, it is very fragile and thin, so do not talk about it idle listeners. Your deep aspiration - it is only your property, not intended for others' ears. With close friends you can share your desires and plans for the future. But even they do not talk about your main goal - just do it, embodies it in life!