Want to know the truth?
Dialogue, which was built by all the rules of rhetoric and argumentation, is usually of alternating cues. Moreover, each replica contains only one unit of information or call to make this information unit. Simply put, the questions alternate with the answers. If you want to find out from your buddy the truth, you must build a dialogue in another way. Here is an example of the standard dialogue.
-Hi. Where were you?
-At work.
-Why so long?
-What is the urgency?
Tomorrow-emergency conference - guests from abroad.
Etc. In this dialogue, everything is logical and consistent manner. This type of talk has nothing to do with the dialogue-manipulation. If you, for example, want to find out the truth, take your beloved to clean water, can use the so-called mnogovoprosny dialogue. In it you - leading you set the tone for the conversation: once you start asking questions, and in large quantities, without giving the other party to answer any one of them.
"Respondent" in this situation immediately comes to a standstill. This situation reminds him of the school exam and is inevitably accompanied by stress. Such manipulation is often used by investigators during interrogations: wanting to bring a suspect to clean water, they ask about the same, changing the wording. I questioned the impression that its machinations all know, he loses confidence in himself, begins to feel helpless. After a large number of questions, he tells the truth. Want to know the truth? " The above dialogue to transform a manipulative technique.
-Where were you? Why so long? How much can you expect? What kind of urgency this stop you even call and warn you that you delayed?
Confidence in his voice and moderation (in any case does not raise your voice) can knock a man astray, and he may think you know its cheating, if any, of course, present. Well, if your beloved is clean before you and have nothing to reproach, that he is unlikely to lose its composure, and answered in order for all of your questions as successful, well-learned lesson.