Ward House
Protect your house from the evil eye and spoilage is very simple. Needed once a week (Sunday) lit a candle brought from Mass, and to deal with this candle, the whole apartment in a clockwise direction. At the same time need to read this prayer:
O God our Saviour, izvolivy Zakheevu might enter the shelter and salvation to the whole house and that byvy, Sam, and now zde zhiti voshotevshiya, and unworthy of our prayers and supplications to Thee, we offer, from every harm to keep the unhurt, blessing those zde housing, and those animals nenaveten sohranyayay . Amen.
After that, all the rooms need to sprinkle holy water.
On Mondays, read over the threshold of such a conspiracy:
Mother of God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Peace, Queen of Heaven! Your house is the temple of God, you dwell there, are you awake-sleep, you're there for the whole world praying to God. Pray for me, servant of God (name), and my knock, on my temple of, for the salvation of the soul, the house of deliverance. As the temple of God is not budge, no unclean to him not touch, so would my house was not budge, and he recoiled from the unclean. Amen.