Warlocks - a kind of energy vampires?
Can not be called a witch or warlock only energy vampire, they will not only take energy from humans, but still doing a lot of bad things, let in the disease, fears, and make people unhappy, pushed to suicide, often by hanging, arrange a car accident, etc.
And what damage do - this is not fiction and not my imagination. Letters from people begging for help to confirm it. After all, medicine is powerless before the evil spirits. Physicians in the institutes do not teach how to recognize and how to fight it.
"I came to you with his mom. You gave us his water and told us what to do.
We all perform the way you told us. After a week of treatment I have in the church inside the abdomen barking dog. Their voices like as were two of them. The church always pops into my ears, as if laying also occurs from the reading of prayers, slipped even some men talking in their ears. Even after some period of time stomach ache in the place where you show. After the pain came liquid feces, blood came out from his nose. It usually happens the morning after sleep. This is probably from compression cleansing is happening.
Traveled with her mother at the monastery, bathed in the springs were applied to the relics of saints. A day later spat out the blood. Lived in Optinoj two days, then went to the convent. There is also bathed in the springs and drinking water from them. Thence went to Zadonsk the church, venerate the relics of St. Tikhon Zadonsk. Your water is drunk, do svyachenoy compresses with water and with water, which was taken at the source. In general, things are going to recover. But have yet to receive medical treatment to my mom. In the convent she was bad, nearly lost consciousness there, though plunged almost entirely with his head. Top of the head was unable to dip, we had to help her with his hands. In the remaining three sources was easier. Even in a single source poured a bucket of water on his head. And after your treatment after some time began to fade with gray in her hair, health greatly improved, pressure, and heart concerned only occasionally. After all, she and 9let much a headache for a long time it was treated. Here are just now feeling better health. Thank you for your kindness. "