Warnings in dreams
Even in ancient times, Asians have noticed that two o'clock in the morning is for the person most weary and anxious time, probably why they called this period the Hour Bull. Yes, and the inhabitants of ancient Rome we have considered it a time period of the evil demons and supernatural forces. One gets the impression that deep in the subconscious laid this pre-dawn alarm originating from ancient times when people lived in caves and felt a special state of nature in anticipation of the first rays of the sun.
This phenomenon is quite difficult to explain, though, and people with little knowledge bases of psychology, it is clear that our psyche is quite vulnerable targets, and the night is always regarded the period, the most dangerous to humans.
Let's try to secure a comfortable secure a sound sleep by the use of uncomplicated magic tricks. To do this, to bring harmony to a room where you spend a third of his life. To achieve this, must be placed in bedroom according to the four cardinal symbols key elements. To the south should take a symbol of fire, which is a mirror surface that can provide comfort and warmth in this room. To the east requires a symbol of air, which can become a flowering plant or a usual scented petals, bringing with them the spirit of clarity and detachment from the madding crowd. To the north should use the stone, which is able to provide healthy sleep calm, as a symbol of the element of earth. To the west should use scented oils or water, which can give a dream pleasant dreams.
To protect themselves from aiming at your side of evil, enough to put in a bed headboard crystal violet or pink. Be sure to wash every morning with him all the accumulated negative energy in water. That flowing water can wash away the negativity with stone and ceramic sinks, or ground, to absorb and neutralize.
Traditional healers are advised to use for the prevention of insomnia special pads that are filled with cones of hops and placed under a pillow on which a person sleeps. That the infant slept peacefully in the cradle and saw the sweet dreams, our ancestors have put him in the cradle of the crest. It was, and Ward off evil spirits and a kind of soothing.
For those who often goes on hikes and spending the night at a fire, keep the following advice. Take a firebrand from the fire and draw its circle, which does not allow you any closer to the black forces, no nightmares.
In one of the letters came to us, a woman describes one of his dreams, which she dreamed during the night from Thursday to Friday. In this dream, she and her family was in the apartment, which, by its decoration very similar to an apartment of her parents. She felt an evil spirit, who could not remember who belongs. Of all those present only one she felt this spirit and was afraid of him. No member of the family had not seen it, so everyone was surprised woman who is afraid, and why she became suddenly breathless with fear. In fear, the woman ran from the apartment and went to the neighbor's apartment, which turned out to be the church, lined with dark red material, and with a black cross on the wall. The church was a neighbor and a nun who prayed to release the woman from the evil spirit. The feel of this dream were so similar to the reality that a woman has not been able to get rid of this dream. In addition, she said that once she had a dream about an empty bank, which is split right in front of women.
Described sleep is difficult to interpret without knowing the history of women's lives and present its position, but what is striking is the huge amount of trouble omens, which is filled with a dream. This and the presence of an evil spirit, which is identified with the enemies, planning something evil, and the church, which in the human dream is a harbinger of troubles and misfortunes, and the nuns, who often foretell discord in family life and the need for unpleasant journeys. Sense of fear felt by a woman in a dream can turn into reality a disappointment, but the fact that a woman praying in a dream, says losing streak on her way to overcome, which will require huge effort.
As a continuation of the warnings of trouble - an empty bank, which is a symbol of poverty and poverty. Adversely, and that in her sleep she is broken, so people are waiting for the disease.
It is not strange as it sounds, but dreams are described as a warning. Their main aim - to force a woman to change something in your life to divert disaster. Dreams clearly indicate that inaction could lead to very unpleasant events of which are quite hard to get. Then take much more effort to fix what happened. Only the achievement of inner harmony, humility and forgiveness can change the situation. If a woman has not been previously baptized, she should be baptized.
Of course, there is an easier way to get rid of bad prophecies - just forget about sleep and not to believe in their interpretation. It is a pity that this is unlikely to change that portends.