Water - the mother of all living things!
Could it be the mother of a simple chemical substance, obeying the usual laws of the physical world? Of course not! Mother can only animate sentient being, or rather - Essence.
Now you understand why water can cure any disease? Because she and she alone bears the most important information - information about life. But where did this information in the water if the water is, as we are trying to convince the materialists, just a chemical? In fact, consider this: in the formula H2O is not even a "building material" for a living cell. Over this mystery, scientists are fighting all over the world. And come to the conclusion that water - a living entity, which carries the program of development of living beings - not just on our planet, but generally in the universe. Not without reason, if a distant planet discovered water or ice, the scientists immediately assume there is the presence of organic life. The famous German physician-physiologist Du Bois-Raymond and said: "Life - it's animated water." Only to explain the connection between life and water really no scientist can not. Where in the water "program to life"? Why not programmed other substances, the same oxygen, nitrogen or carbon (ie, what it consists of a living cell)? And the answer is known for a long time ago.
"And God said: Let the waters swarm of living souls" - is the Bible, the Book of Genesis, chapter 1, verse 20. And then we read: "and let birds fly above the earth in the firmament of heaven ... And God said: Let the earth bring forth living creatures, beasts and creeping things and beasts of the earth." Open any school textbook of biology, take a look at the evolutionary chain: in the water life began, the water came reptiles, which went from birds and reptiles, and only from these two branches - all terrestrial life forms. Just think: the whole evolution - a drop of water, which God made the mother of all living beings! It is God the Father, the Creator of the Universe, gave water and soul put into it a program of biological evolution, from the simplest organisms to complexly higher beings!

This is a grand mystery of life - a mystery that is accessible to everyone, but from which "progressive humanity" turns away, declaring it to ignorance and superstition.
In fact: much more interesting to dismember the living matter, to experiment on animals and produce tons of drugs that treat one, and another maimed! And why only men are so fond complicate things? Why do we need to look thorny path, and sometimes dead-end - rather than to get out on the high road, lit glow of a simple and wise truths?
Now that you know this secret, I want to teach you to communicate with the water. And here we need to stop. Water - it's our mother! And to treat it, we must, as stated in the commandment: "Honour thy father and thy mother." Negligent, abusive relationship to the water can disrupt your health and ruin your life, because the water - the foundation of life. Conversely, if you treat it carefully, thoughtfully and lovingly, she, like any mother would give everything that you need for life. First of all - health. But not only.
God created life is not for the fact that living beings suffer and hurt. He created it for happiness, joy and prosperity. This program is being initially laid in the water. But it must be open and activate. And a little bit to adjust for themselves: after all, every person is different. If you learn this, you can not only heal the body and soul, but also to make his life totally happy. Water solves all problems. It's not magic, not magic. No violence against nature is not here. Just life. What it should be on God's plan.