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Waybread from the evil eye damage

Articles Contents
Waybread from the evil eye, damage

All plant heals from damage.

• Inside are a decoction, as dry leaves spoiled your smoking patients.

• When the evil eye wash decoction of leaves of plantain.

• The monthly ailments seeds insist the wine and drink a tablespoon 3 times a day. Take inside in case it hurts scrotum or feel pain near the navel.

• Decoction of leaves taken inside for treatment of cancer and elephantiasis. In the latter case, aching legs obkladyvayut fresh leaves.

• Who has the navel from the place falls through, the grass roots to hover and drink at the heart of lean.

• Broth as a compress applied to the sore spot.

• Decoction of seeds taken by male and female infertility, bedwetting, stomach rumbling, and chill.

• Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the sore spots to rub oil plantain.

50g of leaves and seeds of plantain pour 250ml of vegetable oil. 10days infuse in a warm dark place, shaking occasionally. Strain at night rub into the sore spots, carefully wrapped.

• burns, panaritiums fresh leaves applied to the sore spot.
• If you have diarrhea in the vinegar to cook plantain leaf, add a little salt and slowly chew in his mouth.

• crushed plantain leaves with egg white treat burns.

• When the dog bites, swelling in the joints on the sore spots to make fresh plantain leaves.

• When tumors of the cervical glands plantain leaves to crush, mix with salt and applied to the sore spot.

• With dysentery, tuberculosis, asthma and epilepsy need to take a strong decoction of leaves and roots of plants.

• If dirty wounds in the mouth to chew the fresh leaves, the wounds cleansed.

• Decoction of leaves cleanse the liver, helps those who are urinating blood, and eye disease.

• Decoction of leaves and the juice of the plants take in gastritis, enteritis and enterocolitis, nocturnal incontinence, hemorrhoids, hemoptysis, and malaria.

• Infusion of leaves as a blood-purifying agent for drinking rashes, herpes, acne.

• Broth psyllium used in the treatment of colitis.

• Fresh leaves applied at stinging insects.

• Decoction of herbs used as a maternity facility.

• Chopped fresh leaves are applied to moist eruption.

Decoction of plantain is harmful to the brain. Its deleterious effect removes a violet, but a substitute is sorrel.
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