101 Ways to use male
Science does not stand still - in the modern world is cloned plants and animals, and soon we will begin to clone and people. Scientists have managed to grow a living organism in vitro, and who knows, maybe once we get to the question of the expediency of men on Earth? Oddly, but in spite of the fact that our men sometimes inattentive and neotesanny can we bring to the tantrums and spoil the mood of even the happiest day, we women do not want to part with them.
If you do not consider man as the successor of the human race, where else we might need the stronger sex? An interesting investigation had spent part of the female version of The Times, the ladies decided to examine why we need to save this species. The arguments of course, turned out inconclusive, but personally I have summoned a smile and a great cheer up!
It turns out that men in England have a habit at the sight of pretty young women under 40, with enthusiasm whistle. Englishwoman like it a lot, and they even thought to promote such behavior of men! Naturally they do not want to lose enthusiastic whistles in the trace. Women's The Times editorial board is also very concerned about the fact that with the disappearance of men no one will deal with the mechanics and electricians, go unattended pigeons, and house no one will catch all living creatures such as spiders, which are a symbol of good news and material welfare.
Also lovely ladies worried about who they will bring breakfast in bed, even if not very often? And it's nice to watch the older uncles, lively playing in the children's railway! No, no it certainly can do without, but after all, how many positive emotions brings this spectacle! Without men yesterday salads doom go in the trash, because only men under the force after an evening spent in the bar with ease, "sentence" a lettuce bowl.
Can not umilyat ability of men to occupy the children for hours, allowing his lover to spend the time on themselves. In this case, it does not matter that the essence of this activity is sitting on the couch and watch your favorite shows, while the children are inundating half of a house, is launching boats. And no need to lament the fact that men sluts who now and then scatter its not the first freshness socks around the house - spectators at the root! They cared about the figure of our! That's like around the house, while ponagibaeshsya gather towels, socks, underwear and other items of personal toilet men, and no gym is not needed!
By the way, as it can to comfort a man laboring women are no longer comfort one! Of course, it becomes much easier when she hears sentimental story about a man that understands what a fight! Since he suffered a terrible constipation in my life and when he was assisted by qualified doctors, he was warned that it will be very painful, it is comparable only with the birth! Yeah, I watch with a sense of humor in British men as though everything is fine!
British women can not imagine how the world will be without a Pope? And to be honest tyrants, despots and magnificent rock stars can be obtained only from men! The transport will go is not interesting, since no one pat you "accidentally" place on the soft, inviting seat. Ladies editorial complained that no one will set records over the wearing of socks, shorts and shoes, and they believe that only men are able to express their moral support to the favorite to include in the lounge music of Wilhelm Richard Wagner ... Ah romance ...
I think it is unlikely all of these issues, we will stand with the beautiful Englishwoman, our men, alas, do not listen to Wagner. But, perhaps, go down to one - male and female halves of a whole and, in spite of all these humorous arguments about the appropriateness of men, without them we would be bad, just like it without us. There is no day without night, rain, no rainbows, and cold without heat, so we women can not feel full and demand without men!