We all love in different ways
Starry sky for each of us gives his way into love. And what is this way - can tell a personal horoscope. All the planets, like the sun and moon, affect the relationship between people and their development. Love and hate, unconscious attraction to each other, reciprocity, or indifference, sympathy or antipathy - all in the power of the stars and planets, their movement and position in the horoscope, their lives in your - big or small - to fate.
The sun, planets, stars and many other factors determine the uniqueness of your character and accordingly you characteristic features of the senses. Threshold of these feelings at all different: some give a lot, but someone a little. Breathe life into this gift of fate can not everyone.
People with a high threshold for feeling stronger feel and perceive life, love, even the environment. The average threshold gives a more calm, sober and sensible love, and the man who is given scant range of emotions, never gets to the top of feeling and suffering without knowing the great love, but also a large drop. These people are simply not given.
Not because some better, some worse, but because each of us to space the seal notes: someone given to love and create, to enjoy the sunrise and sunset, admire the flowers and the scent of the force of life, revel in the music and to dissolve into oblivion favorite ; given to faith and to serve humanity, to rise to the heights of what is possible in human emotions and even move beyond these thresholds, but some do not.
It is easiest for people with an average threshold of the senses. They were allowed to live, work and enjoy the simple things in life - good weather, a rich harvest, the availability of food in the refrigerator, clean the apartment, children and grandchildren.
Some people do not know what love is, and watching others suffer, soar, soar, fall and suffer, do not understand their condition, although some are thinking: what does love feel? Seeing the happy love, joy of life that accompanies it, want to experience the same thing.
There are others who are not happy about nothing: no peace and quiet in the house or the health of children and loved ones, nor the availability of money and things, or own life whatever it was. There are those who have no soul. They are - the essence of the world of evil. But of such we shall not speak. They do not exist in the world of love. They have no place in the world of human souls. We'll talk about those for whom life is - is Love.
The Sun in astrology means creativity and the essential requirements of the individual. Sun Sign represents the sphere of life, where would like to appear in full splendor, and where you can find a source of pride and happiness. Your astrological sun takes precedence over your heart. This is your center, as the real sun - the center of the solar system. Twelve signs of the zodiac - the key players of solar themes of love, which in turn colored the properties of the planet - the ruler of the sign.
Love of Aries is painted Mars - the power and passion and will power pulses, impulse, give to others the person. Aries is able to break out the slightest spark that will wake the flame in his heart. From love Aries can come from a state of inactivity, because it awakens in him the creative impulses. Love of Aries brings a great attitude energy and passion.
Love Taurus is subject to the influence of Venus - all of it as wilderness, represents the wishes and feelings in a pure form, the desire to satisfy his desire. Sensibility dominates the love life of Taurus. The predominant quality of Taurus is the persistence of love and an innate ability to keep the peace of his senses intact.
Love Twins - the dictates of Mercury. Interaction, the desire for knowledge, to gain experience. Twins have expressed interest in the discovery of any unknown pages, both in person and in the surrounding world. They never have enough experience, but if they are pall contacts coming devastation, lost the charm of novelty, and with it the desire to live, grow and learn, and this is the most important spiritual element of Gemini . Without it, they lose interest in the world.
Raki - the children of the moon - are subject to emotions, feelings, instincts, the dictates of the unconscious mind, call the parent of nature, desire to take care and be ward. Love Cancer difficult. Cancer can only fall in love with someone who shares his mature view of life and supports the desire for security and reliability of existence.
Lions marked influence of the sun, looking for a powerful impact in a partner, an equivalent force. Ideally they are looking for a faithful and powerful component of their "I" - is the same as they are, but no more and no less a stranger to strong light is not eclipsed by their nature, and the weak - not to lose their lights and not be absorbed. In polarity of feelings is important to Leos balance, not to worry universal catastrophe, as the Lions spend all their senses through the heart.
The owner of the Virgin - Mercury. Earth's Mercury set the tone in a natural selection of individuals, partners, where the prevailing reasonable and sensible beginning. Virgo cares and serves, gives and in return requires the same care and attention to her feelings, interests and desires. Virgin prefer wise and peaceful relations. Heat luminaries - not in their spirit. They require strong, but not sizzling partner - one in which the mind and senses to the Virgin will be balanced, both for the Dev balanced day, when the force of the day, the sun light power is the night, absorbing heat and light. But still the mark more inclined to rational than to the unconscious, to a mature relationship, a stable beginning, unity without flashes and stress. Virgo - the sign of autumn and the equilibrium tends to be cold.
Balance running beauty of Venus are looking for a balance of power in love and spiritual union with a partner. Feelings, painted mature desires, attitudes, without loss and changes in their spirit. In love, which will reflect their desires mature, they are looking for balance of mind and heart, passions and desires, emotions, and wisdom, mature and strong feelings, understanding and harmony. Romance, passion and sensuality are more important to them.
Scorpio , whose rulers Mars and Pluto, is waiting to put their love of hot desire, quench the insatiable hunger and thirst for life, rapid change and immense feeling. About Love Scorpio most often made wrong conclusions compared with all signs of the zodiac. Sexy ... illegible for friends ... These are the labels, often thoughtlessly bonded to these people. Love Scorpio - is primarily a deep loyalty, amazing patience and strong feelings. Scorpio loves sex, but more importantly for his closeness souls and hearts.
Sagittarius , whose ruler Jupiter, eager to love an open and frank, inextinguishable flame of desires and passions of hot, turbulent emotions, trust and full commitment, ideals in the breaking of his understanding. He strives to give away and waiting for the same impact. It's very eclectic and inspiring love sign, love, Sagittarius is fun and easy. He is a great romantic, who seeks adventures in love and emotional looseness.
Capricorn , whose boss - Elder Saturn, waiting for the spiritual growth and improvement of two free individuals, where no one encroaches on the inner freedom of each other. His motto is - whether a free person, but be with me. Desire to subjugate, to subdue and remake an object in their understanding, too, is an ideal component of love, "sculptor" - someone who likes to "sculpt" your love. It seems a little bit - and he would be willing to breathe in stone breath of life to create a perfect (in his own concept) exists.
Aquarius is influenced by Uranus seeks freedom in life and love. This constant change, unexpected and exciting. His soul is inclined to search for the universal ideal. Love for Aquarius - finding kindred souls, freedom of expression, solubility in the universal consciousness. But the fear of losing yourself in your partner, so - to lose their freedom. Love Aquarius is an area between the rational and emotional worlds and these worlds are never with each other not converge ...
Love Pisces managed Neptune - an enigma and a great devotion, the strength of feeling and faith, caring and compassion, romance and sensuality, dissolving in nature, and most importantly - it's transformation. This is an internal state which they live and breathe. Fish differ idealized object of his love, but their love is hard to understand because, as a rule, they do not disclose to anyone his soul to the end.