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Weather on your birthday

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Weather on your birthday
Astrology reports that a child's future can be determined by looking out the window at the weather that prevailed in the street during the birth. If properly interpret this weather prediction, it will be possible in future to effectively help your child happily arrange their lives.

Time of day of birth

If a person born in the early morning, his life will be full of worries, but he will be happy only when all the best will do himself.

People born close to noon, have a very strong energy. They will constantly be in the midst of change. Often, they differ in talent.

People who were born at night, guided by unknown forces of life. They are subject to a lifetime. Good luck will accompany them if they will not postpone the case on the back burner. They know how to choose the most convenient and successful way in life.

People born during the night, have strong magical powers. They have the gift of control destinies. However, this gift is very hard to learn to manage.

Weather birthday

People who are born on a sunny, bright day, usually carry a strong energy. Such men can build a successful career. In addition, they can change the world around them. However, they are characterized by frequent anger.

People born in the day when the sky is clear and the sun and the clouds, look in the life of their own personal happiness. They are prone to numerous facilities, who are placed in their consciousness as a child, and their happiness will depend on how well these people will be able to get rid of complexes.

The man, who was born in the rain, often in the future financial well-being. These people adjust to the outside world. They will be happy if their child will learn to work successfully.

People who were born during a snowfall, have the ability to force thought to control their own destiny. They have excellent analytical abilities and may over time unconsciously to materialize your thoughts.

People who were born during the mushroom rain or sleet are magicians. Them to be happy is necessary to understand its own essence. They want happiness, if a child they are given a good psychological, religious, or bio-energy education.

Natural phenomena's birthday

If the street suddenly became warmer, it is a sign that the light appeared a man who is full of love and life will give all but love, but he himself in his life will be difficult due to the fact that many people will try nourished by his energy, depleting the man. He needs to learn to deal with energy vampires.

If it's cold snap began, it is a sign that the person was born, which carries a power failure. This energy can bring to the fight against evil. These people often find happiness in solitude, but marriage is only for money.

People born under the comet come to earth to make the world a cleaner and better. These people are able to destroy any darkness. Many well-known light fighters against evil was born under a comet. Among them are Zoroaster, and Christ. All those people who were born under the light of a comet, will be known. The closer a comet flew by the stars that govern the fate of man, the louder will be his glory.

People who were born during a thunderstorm, full of energy with them, nobody will be bored. They are attracted by all the new and unknown. However, in my personal life they are often unhappy.

The man who appeared to light during the stargazing in the life of all desires come true. And, even meteor showers - it is not uncommon, but it was at the time of the fall of the stars of "human beings are extremely rare.

If a person is born during a volcanic eruption, it will have a very strong power. This energy they send to the extraordinary development, psychic, healing abilities. However, its excess can turn around and deplorable circumstances.

People born during the earthquake, are born rebels. They are destined to set the ordeal, having passed that, they will be able to get the desired happiness. However, most of these people spend all their energy is meaningless.

During a hurricane born people carrying misfortune. But during storms are born warriors. These people all my life in a state of combat, both physical and on the morale and energy level. A woman can best express themselves in medicine, and a man - in war or in sport.

During the tsunami are born very emotional people. Such people do not often commit suicide. They feature can send a good track, and with his help they will succeed.

During a lunar eclipse is often born energy vampires. Often they are unhappy in their family life. They need to learn to control their energy and not to keep on their shoulders the whole load of emotional problems.

During a solar eclipse are often born people carrying the world destruction. They suffer from the severity of family karma. They can choose only two ways: either make yourself happy at the expense of others, or learn how to transform evil into good.

Wind's birthday

Wind direction at a time when I was born a man, largely determines the nature of his relationship with people.

· North wind bestows newborn cold feeling and a great force. People born in the period prevalence of this wind are able to achieve that goal, but they are not inclined to moving from place to place.

· Wind from the northeast awards human qualities of a leader who can appear only in the close-knit team. Such people do not require an abundance, they are acceptable most ascetic living conditions. Their big drawback is stubbornness.

· Eastwind welcomes leaders who achieve success on their own.

· Southeast wind blew the leaders who are able to anticipate these or other business opportunities and skill to use it. The only thing which must be addressed to these people, so it is with their intolerance to the shortcomings of others.

· South wind allows a person to find happiness with the help of friends. Only with their help he will be happy and be able to achieve outstanding success.

· Wind southwest confers neonatal high suggestibility and dependency on other people's opinions. For him, it is important that a number were kind and helpful people, as their success will be its success.

· West Wind makes people sensitive, emotional, sensitive and doubtful. They have an amazing gift of intuition and apprehension. They should be more attentive to their first impression about the man and the fact that tells them their own inner voice.

· Wind northwest gives people an excellent memory, which can ensure success in business. Such people are characterized by high demands for others and caring about them. It is important that a man was sent to look into the future, not the past.
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