Wedding signs - they need to know the newlyweds
The best lunar days for marriage are those days: 6, 10, 11, 15, 17, 21, 26, 27. Unfavorable days are lunar days: 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 19, 20. It is not necessary to paint on Tuesday - the day of Mars, as it is aggressive and violent day. Thursday, ruled by Jupiter, can make short-lived marriage. Saturday - the best day for privacy, and recovery of mental force, it is not suitable for celebrations. You can not marry during fasts, on the eve of the great religious holidays - this time a special purification of the soul. The white dress the bride and groom's black suit protect the pair from damage and sudden illness. Do not forget to stick to skirts several new needles without ears. Protein wedding dress symbolizes purity and innocence, energy protects, relieves fatigue and anxiety. Veil on the head closes the hair from the negative impact, and suggests that her husband takes her under his protection.
When the couple go to a registry office or church, you can not look back, otherwise you go back mentally to the old life and the risk to start a life without consent. No one miss each other in the registry office, hold hands, to between you closed the energy space. So avoid the evil eye and keep your happiness. Gold wedding rings keep spouses from all of life's shocks, before they were never filmed. His ring did not let anyone measure, in order not to prosperity and happiness into other hands.
Wedding party is complete without decorations: ribbons, dolls, bells, etc. Tapes from pink to purple shades protect from alien energy store happy family life, the continuity of marriage, protect health. Lilac, violet, purple, blue and yellow ribbons attract the evil eye. Bells after the official part of marriage drives away all evil, evil and envy, encourages good forces to help young, expels negative energy out of them. The wedding takes any damage at all until the ancestral curse.
Young meet as usual bread and salt, which are also amulets against the evil eye and diseases, symbols of joy, success, peace of mind, a rich life. Salt shaker on the caravan - the symbol of the mothers, homemakers, protecting the health of the evil eye, and future children. Salt shaker should be oval in shape. Spouses must bite from a slice of loaf. If anyone of them could bite of bread - will divorce.
Young wife, the husband brought into the house on his hands, that life was not hard. He has to step on a towel, under which lie dish and crush them. These are old, unwanted dishes, they symbolize the past sins and new life to them do not take. Fragments are released, and the towel is removed and stored in the family throughout their lives. It - Ward from disease and accidents, from the evil enchantment of her husband. But the glasses from which they drank young, broken down as a broken wine glass - it's broken, bearing misfortune. A whole glass of - money and Ward have to live with a young family as long as possible to a fortune.
The word "Bitter!" At a wedding necessarily, it is - the desire to live harmoniously. Unhappy gifts are bedding (it's - the dowry, not a gift), piercing and cutting items. They are lack of money, attract the evil eye and spoilage. The wedding is complete without flowers. Some are the colors, mascots. After the celebrations, they create an aura that keeps out of trouble for a long time. They can to dry and store at home. They are:
Red Carnation - amulet of love;
White carnation - amulet of sadness and melancholy;
Carnation motley - amulet of infertility;
Gerber - amulet to attract the hearts of men;
Iris - guardian of male power;
Lily Redhead - Ward from the temptation;
Lily white - amulet for good luck;
Orchid - guardian of the arrogance and aggressiveness;
Rose Rose - Ward wisdom;
Rose red - amulet of the disease;
Rose White - Charm of an accident;
White and red roses in a bouquet of store loyalty and fidelity of the spouses to each other;
Calla - Ward on the money;
Greens bouquet - amulet of poverty, ruin and bankruptcy.