Week in harmony with horoscope
Life of each one of us is active and full of various events, emotions and experiences - in her little space given to harmony with nature. We have ceased to rise with the sun, watching the sunrise only because of lack of sleep, we are not subjected to a feeling of vitality without a cup of coffee, and instead of an evening stroll under the stars, we often choose destructive rest on the couch watching television. On top of all, many of us ignore not only the biorhythms, but balanced diet, which ultimately affects both the duration and quality of life ...
When a man lives in harmony with nature - he's happy, smiling and happy every day no matter holiday on the calendar, or the next business day. In order to feel that way, we will need to remind ourselves that our life is influenced by the stellar light, which seemed to dictate a course of conduct, giving the right advice for every day.
Did you know that securing a seven-day week is not accidental in our life? This tradition came to us from ancient Babylon, and based on the changes of lunar phases: the first seven days of the new moon, characterized by the growth of the moon until the first quarter, following seven days, it grows to full moon, etc. In addition, the seven-day week was confirmed in the starry sky, where the astronomers of the same ancient Babylon have found seven planets - wandering stars, and depending on the distance from Earth, each planet is ruled a particular day of the week.
Using the information provided below on the impact of each light on a given day, we can properly plan their work and derive maximum benefit at minimum cost.
Monday - ruler of the Moon
The first day of the week is favorable for the cancer, but the Capricorn, Libra and Aries need to be careful.
The moon affects your inner world, your mental state and the soul. Also, this planet is responsible for emotional reactions and mood swings. Therefore, on Monday advised to avoid situations that may contribute to uncontrolled expression of emotion, whether it is communicating with unpleasant people or engaging in things that you do not like.
Despite the fact that the Monday - a day of business build-up, important events, meetings and negotiations is better not to appoint. Showing solitude or company, which will contribute to pacification. On this day draws to a home, children may appear melancholy and sentimentality. A good day for the conception and birth, as the Moon is controlled by these processes.
On the other hand, some of you may feel the rampant pursuit of pleasure and enjoyment, including having a destructive nature. It will be easy to succumb to desire to eat too much, which will affect the look and feel. It is not necessary to "dig" in itself, it is better to objectively observe themselves from the outside.
Not worth visiting guests as a loud and take the company. However, useful and rewarding to communicate with his mother. In a physical aspect to pay attention to your eyes, and not to overload the brain work.
There are contraindications. Consult with your doctor.
Tuesday - the ruler of Mars
The day is favorable for Scorpios and Aries, but a Taurus, Capricorn, Libra, cancers and the Lions should be more careful.
Mars is the planet of action and the breakdown strength, which on Tuesday may be not so much helpers as interference in achieving the goals. This is due to the fact that energy data day will be violent and aggressive nature.
On this day, many of us have become hostages of their ambitions and desires, there are animal instincts. However, the undoubted advantage of a growing self-confidence, courage, independence. Fully develop leadership skills, the sharpness of mind, a desire to debate and adventurous activities. Men can pull of heroic deeds will be felt by some belligerent behavior. Women in this day well can easily solve organizational problems, allowing an ideal to realize various ideas.
On the other hand, the influence of Mars on weak personalities manifested in the form of committing reckless acts, negligence, recklessness, and the use of brute force.
Should realize that the energy of this day is very serious, and play with it not worth it. Let go of her only and peaceful course, use its strengths without succumbing to the provocations and the desire to act aggressively. Additionally, you can not just make plans and to actively generate ideas, but also to implement them.
On a day recommended to the gym, which will contribute towards brute power for the benefit of the body and not let it accumulate in the body. If your apartment needs repairs, begins today - active start will be the catalyst for an early completion. But keep in mind that the activity may give rise to undue haste, and that would only interfere with business.
Wednesday - the ruler of Mercury
Wonderful day for Dev and Gemini and Sagittarius, and Pisces will try not to get into difficult situations.
Equator five-day working week is under the influence of Mercury - the planet, granting insight and protecting us from harm. It is the light responsible for the part of intelligence, which is intended for cultural development through training and observation.
On Wednesday, intelligence come to the fore: active writers and speaking skills. Speech before an audience, certainly the best plan for the day - eloquence in tandem with the logic and erudition will show you in a favorable light. Also on this day to benefit from high levels of sensitivity, wit and a good memory - the process of memorizing and learning occur best way is on Wednesday.
However, with adverse effects on human Mercury brings into our lives the qualities of character as a cunning, guile and zloumnost. The consequences can be confusing at the expense of their importance: you claim to know "anything and everything, but true knowledge is not subject to you.
On Wednesday, may make itself felt nervous stress and excessive mental activity, so do not expose the health threat. All the attention on the bowels, the solar plexus, mouth, hands, vision and language - may have problems with these bodies.
Thursday - the ruler of Jupiter
A perfect day for Sagittarius and Pisces, and bad for Gemini and Virgo.
Jupiter, the protector of knowledge, science and higher education, so the questions of training and exams are easy to solve it on Thursday. On this day, people show humility, compassion, able to rein in their feelings and desires. Wisdom of Jupiter allows us to look at the problems and challenges on the other hand, which leads to the resolution of difficult situations.
On this day, active issues of wealth, status and legitimacy. Energy these days soaked optimistic, cheerful and sociable, but can manifest a tendency to various excesses.
Beneficial to engage in the patronage of someone or someone's affairs, spiritual practices, charity, help the needy. Respectfulness, compassion and honesty will benefit in communication, and logic, decisiveness and self-help in the establishment of important issues.
Negative impact of this light will manifest itself in the form of excessive optimism, frivolous, wasteful, irresponsible, empty dreams and gambling.
Thursday of genius and wise idea, whose implementation will bring the luxury, wealth and power wise. Also favorable global acquisitions such as moveable and immovable property.
The physical aspect affects the liver, blood, femoral, vein and artery. If you have liver problems, take light diet.
Friday - Venus Ruler
The best day for Taurus and Libra, and Aries, Leos and Scorpios should be wary.
Venus is responsible for love, both globally and in the individualized aspect. At the end of the working week is very important to devote his attention to the partner and his needs, because it is the light responsible for the marriage and the relationship between lovers.
On Friday, it is best to arrange a romantic dinner or to make a sensual massage of his other half - your efforts will be appreciated as never before. Venus gives passion and is responsible for sexual energy, which reflects the needs of the intimate privacy of two loving people.
In addition, this day will activate the creative side of the personality of each one of us, which is manifested in the increased interest in the arts: music, painting and poetry. There may be a spontaneous desire to create something special and with his hands - give vent to his creative beginning.
Be finesse and kindness, sociability also will benefit. The quest for external beauty is reflected favorably on purchases of clothing, cosmetics, accessories, perfume and jewelry.
Payload Venus starts the frustration, the need for material values, anxiety, instability and excessive consumption of sweets.
Try to bring harmony and peace around them, making their lives a joyful and happy. Put in order thoughts and feelings, not zatsiklivayas on material issues. On Friday, may worsen the problem with his throat, skin, kidneys and ovaries.
Saturday - ruler Saturn
A great day for Capricorn and Aquarius, and Aries, Cancers, and Libra should be fully prepared.
Saturn, as a highly spiritual planet, acting as a judge and on that day: our actions are evaluated in terms of morality, legality and regularity, and those who err, get what they deserve. Be careful with the words, actions and thoughts, as strangers, as well as their own.
Energy heavy and slow light can affect you in the form of closure, the seriousness, fairness. On Saturday, we respond well to control the time and reasonable planning matters.
Congenial atmosphere will give you a caution, prudence and caution. High level of organizational performance and capabilities to enable easy to deal with the most difficult and complex cases.
Moderation and composure Saturday contribute to happiness, which must necessarily share with family and close friends. That day may appear excessive sensitivity, but in most cases it will hide behind the mask of moderation.
A beautiful day for reconciliation and dialogue - sincerity, truthfulness and loyalty will benefit any conversation.
Pitfalls of this day can be accumulated feelings of frustration, irritability, anger and vulnerability. Listen for yourself, your inner motives and feelings.
Sunday - the ruler of the Sun
A successful day for the Lions, while the Taurus and Scorpio can get into trouble.
Brightness and radiance of Sunday there are thanks to our loyal luminary - Sun. This majestic planet gives us all the vital energy and strength, controlling respiratory processes. Physical activity and health is also directly connected with the Sun, so the sport will go on this day is particularly good. On this day, well do disease prevention, promote health.
On Sunday, we tend to exercise their individuality, their inner selves, and we strive to make decisions. Must strictly follow the principle of life for the prosperity and high social status are often placed in the first place.
Favorable light rewards strong character, dignity, pride, magnanimity and generosity. Organizational skills in this day are very strong and, combined with responsible and ambitious, they become a catalyst for action.
However, on the other hand can be felt by the devastating impact of the strong world: someone selfish inclinations, arrogance, unwarranted extravagance would entail a desire dominance over people and the thirst for power. In this case, toward the goal of such a person will stop at nothing - he will become a slave to their own desires.
Avoid unnecessary burdens on his back, heart and chest. Sunday is perfect for communicating with his father, joint visits and activities.
Following these recommendations, you can better understand the genesis of the emerging emotions, feelings and desires, which will have more control over events in their lives, to communicate with others and learn more about his personality.