In contrast to the deterioration whammy - an involuntary action. Jealous of someone complimented with the bad feeling - and all you get sick. People with bright beautiful appearance often: allergic rhinitis is played out, the rash of some kind is found, then the temperature rises. Then goes by itself. And it happens because too many people throw envious glances at those people. But that's just by themselves are only very weak form of the evil eye. What is more frequent need to remove the evil eye.
How to identify the evil eye
Symptoms of the evil eye
1.General body weakness, drowsiness, lack of strength, the inability to bring himself to do something (not to be confused with laziness!).
2.Boli throughout the body, dizziness, high or low blood pressure, palpitations, arrhythmias, poor blood clotting, fevers and frequent colds. Bad skin - acne, eczema, allergies, warts, acne. Tearing, dental pain, brittle nails.
3.Bessonnitsa, otstutstvie appetite or overeating.
4.Povyshennaya irritability, constant desire to cry, an insult to the whole world, self-pity.
5.Gnev, hatred and aggression towards relatives. Hence - the frequent family quarrels and divorce.
6.Vnezapnoe occurrence of tumors.
7.Svetoboyazn, hydrophobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, such as fear of persecution.
8.Oblysenie, flaking skin.
Diagnosis and treatment of the evil eye
How to distinguish the evil eye from the usual disease? To do this, pour a bucket of water, cross over it, very cross, light turns three matches and throw them into the water with Jesus Prayer: "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner!" Then say the conspiracy:
Vodytsya holy, not typed by me, she gained her the Mother of God, born a Christian to wash, from the evil eye to help. I do not wash, I did not wash off, wash off the Mother of God, all that think, and conjecture, and napuscheno and zauscheno - here you will not be, then you do not live the servant of God (name) not to destroy. Amen.
If the match will float on the surface, and the patient's condition did not change, no whammy no. If a match drowned, and the patient will be dramatically worse - it jinxed. The severity of the evil eye is determined by how many matches were drowned. If one - evil eye light, and to take it off enough to drink it to the patient. If the two - the heavy whammy, you need to apply a special plot:
Get up before sunrise, go out before dawn and go to the open field, in an open field hit three keys. One key zorevoy, another key earth, the third key of heaven. The first key to the eyes of gray, from white-eye, from eye black, the second key from the sorcerer and koldunitsy from prostovoloski girls and women rolled cigarettes, the third key from the demons and the devil and all nechi prime spirit. With three key water that protect me, God's slave (name) from all evil. Amen.
If, however, sank all three matches, so this is not the evil eye and spoilage. In this case, you need to figure out exactly what damage was done.
You can define the evil eye and the other way. Need to light a candle and get sick for a long time to look at it. If the light from the candles immediately hurts your eyes, the patient fancies a high fever and the smell of smoke, it means that someone has the evil eye. Then you need 12 times to ignite and extinguish the candle above the patient's head, while reading this prayer:
Lord, have recourse to thee, and the richest bounties Your nizposli upon us and have mercy on Thy servants, for He is good and loves mankind: let us not burn the fire of Thy wrath, below so we eaten fury of lightning and thunder Thy: Thy usual but upotrebivy blagoutrobie who tamed the wrath yours, and ultimately offer Blagotishie air and sunlight nalezhaschey razseki gloom and darkness in silence actualized. Amen.
You can define the evil eye, making the casting. To do this, melt the wax in a water bath and pour it into the bucket with cold water, which is held over the patient's head.
In this case, they say:
Water flows, fire myatetsya, wax rastoplyaetsya, the trouble is poured.
If a congealed wax is formless, then there is no evil eye. If, however, will pour out any figure to see what resulted. When poured a figure similar to human, plant or animal - that is, something alive, the evil eye is not heavy, and after casting away by itself. If, however, will pour out a bed, a coffin or a cross, the patient's jinxed intentionally, that is messed up. To remove such damage, the patient should three times in one week, confession and communion. Then you need to take a bottle of wine thrown into three hairs from the patient's body, and saying on this wine:
O Lord our God, poslushavy Moses stretched to the hands of you, and people Izraelevy ukrepivy on Amalek, opolchivy Joshua into battle and commanding the Sun article: Are you now also, O Lord, hear our prayer to Thee: keep his army: after the Angel of thy Firming their : podazhd them all which is shed for the salvation of petitions: battlefield dying and the world to approve. After God, invisible hand of thine handmaid Your intrudes in all: a imzhe judged Thou is positive in the battle for the souls of their own faith and the fatherland, to forgive their trespasses, and the day of thy righteous paying tribute Give crowns of incorruption: Thine is the dominion, kingdom and The strength of the assistance, all ye that are acceptable to Thee, in Thee we trust, and unto Thee we ascribe glory to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever and ever. Amen.
This wine is the patient should drink about three tablespoons three times a day: morning, afternoon and evening. When the wine is going to end, the damage will be.