What and why not ask a journalist
In television journalism because of limited air time if necessary, constructively use this time there are questions. So, what and why not ask a journalist :
√ questions that allow monosyllabic answers ("yes" or "no"). In this case, will interview as short as possible with the minimum of information for you as a journalist;
√ affirmative sentence instead of a question. Why you something to answer? You yourself said it all. It remains to either accept or vice versa - to object;
√ two questions in one. And what do you want to answer? Human memory is not rubber, and in stressful conditions for the person interviewed two issues can get lost in each other;
√ overloaded issues;
√ suggestive answer questions;
√ comments and their own assessments in question;
√ hanging out "shortcuts";
√ exaggeration in the matter;
√ too complicated to understand the issues.
One of the most common mistakes on the part of reporters - asking questions, admitting monosyllabic answers, and the use of affirmative interrogative sentences instead. To the list of such "deadly sins" which are listed above, you can add one more type of questions that can be specified, but the answers are not necessarily torture viewers and listeners. We are talking about actual issues, aimed to get specific data, to ascertain the numbers and get an idea about the background of the event. Of course, the reporter must have data and facts, and bring them to an audience as possible is more accessible and understandable.
Still need to introduce a ban on posing hypothetical questions, in the spirit: "What do you do if there is someone or something else?". Such questions make further conversation meaningless. Our compatriot SA Muratov formulates some rules, or as he calls them - the commandments of the interviewer:
√ clarity and brevity: asking the question, one must take into account educational level, age, the usual vocabulary of the interlocutor. Good question it is desirable to formulate the language of the interlocutor, except when the language of the interlocutor involves the use of obscure professional terms the viewer.
√ specifically: to specifically question the source is likely to give a specific, informative answer, do not drown in common phrases.
√ not be afraid to pause: pause - an element of communication.
√ courtesy and respect to the interlocutor: the rule of the idea should be put in the first place, because it is - an ethical prerequisite of any communication, not just interviews.
√ want to get an interesting response - reflect on an interesting question.
Do this ...
Now we give a few unwritten rules of conduct television reporter during an interview. These rules are mostly moral and ethical character and help you create a positive image of your interviewee.
1. Help the interviewee to look normal. Unless circumstances dictate the contrary. For example, unnatural look like a normal party or the victim of riots. Try to help the interviewee to look neat. So if your buddy slid sideways tie or smeared lipstick, tell and give the opportunity to tidy himself up. This way you achieve two goals:
√ you will relieve the interlocutor from the feeling of embarrassment caused by unintentional carelessness;
√ disorder in appearance or clothing can distract the audience from the plot.
2. Yourself for a buddy! If you interview someone - your task - to give a person feel relaxed and ready to take you to the meeting. Hence, you should not harass or bother the interlocutor. You have to adjust their behavior and appearance.
3. Make an opinion about them. That will position them to you? Flattery? Friendliness? Jokes? Serious conversation? Whatever it was, if they are your valuable source twist. What interests them? And you show interest - for anything.
4. In person interviews are not meddle directly in a notebook. If a person feels shy before the interview, one kind of reporter, he knocks him out of the final. It is better to gradually remove all the accessories when the interviewee relax. Note, however, that the mandatory phase of the interview - clarification, verification of facts, figures, names and surnames. To absolve themselves of responsibility for any errors or distortions, journalists often give material ready to sight the other party, and until he put his signature under the text, certifying that his words and thoughts just passed, do not pass the interview in the issue.
5. Not to disrupt their intentions, but all the talking necessary. Never forget to say that you - the reporter. We also can not hide its interest in a conversation with a man. But not necessarily always in the details to explain the reason for your call. If you are interested in some kind of a slippery topic, not in a hurry to unfold in the very beginning of the conversation.
6. Do not set a threshold for your main question. First, ask some general questions. You at least appreciate the knowledge and honesty interlocutor. About that, why you came, you should ask when he was "ripe." Asking him to pretend to be indifferent to the answer. The idea that you just presented with a sensation, may encourage the interlocutor to back down immediately. If all else fails, return to grace. Tell them that the editor "to pull the skin off you, if you do not razdobudete this information. Ask them for help. Usually it works.
7.Pomogite interviewee if he stumbles. It should - if only it will not negatively impact on the quality of the material - to give him the opportunity to start the story at first. Take this decision with caution, since in itself this kind of hesitation can be quite significant in certain contexts. However, some people are just nervous or afraid of the camera. If the cause is only in this, just repeat the question and make another double.
8.Pri conversation with more than one person - refer to each individually. When filming the story better to interview people individually - unless you are constrained by time or you want to interview has taken the character of the general meeting. If, however, this situation occurs, give the operator time to tune in to another conversation.
9.Intervyu live - the participants must remain on the ground. Ask your buddy not to leave their seats until they turn off the camera.
10.Zadavayte standard final question. "Do not forget I ask you more about something?" Or "Do you want to add anything to what was said?". How would you prepare for interviews, interviewee still knows about the subject of conversation more than you.