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What annoys men about women

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What annoys men about women?

Men do not like: "marching" gait, an abundance of jewelry, ornaments, too loud laughter, long nails, blood-colored paint on them (and even more green and blue). When a woman coins move like a soldier on the parade ground, I want to stretch out at attention. " We're starting to get nervous. Quite a bit. But it is enough to ensure that our interest in the person of somewhat weakened. On the women's walk is best told in the movie "Office Romance". I refer all interested to it and in the gyms. It does not want to spend time on it.

The abundance of jewelry just hurts the eyes and forces himself to feel a visitor in the museum. So dressed saleswoman eighties and Christmas trees. Neither one nor the other does not cause sexual desire. You have a great grandmother's diamonds? Remarkably, store them in a box, and I'll be happy for you, without risking to make snow blindness. Too much laughter awakens a desire to call on caller ID and call a doctor. Especially if he heard, when we removed the clothes ... But in other cases is not very nice to feel like vibrate the eardrum. Here, perhaps, the fact that women have voices and laughter, respectively, higher than in men. The highest note on a piano - 440 hertz, the human voice could reach 6,000 hertz, the audiometer (device that measures the hearing) the maximum elevation of the scale - 12 000 Hz. And if the scar with a fingernail on the glass, it turns out 18,000 hertz.
Women's laughter, of which I speak, it is easy to shut up for the belt, all these sound Exercise. Nervous! That's all. Especially that laugh out loud and beautiful at the same time - it is physically impossible. Either one or the other. We clear the donut, we prefer the latter. And what angers most of all - a very loud woman laughing just above us. Other phenomena of life cause they only have a quiet chuckle. It's a shame. Long nails with bright lacquer. No, not an abomination. Some even like it. But! Not on any toes it looks good - it's time. In addition, we are beginning to suspect that, living with a clawed predator, laundry, washing dishes and other home entertainment will fall on our muscular shoulders. Is it possible with such nails to do something socially useful? No, you can just let themselves enjoy. That's cool. Live with a beautiful but useless in everyday life as a doll is not desirable. It is better to have a hamster. They eat less and silent ...

And finally, a third less of nail - torn back. Women somehow believe that the deep red grooves on the man's shoulders and back should we like it. Like, that's what I'm passionate. Yeah, swam, we know ... What's interesting - back hard tormented by the first few times. Then the woman somehow forgets about his unbridled temper and starts to behave quite like a human being, not as a rabid wildcat. What is it? Sex has become worse? None. Fingernails worn? None. Just the impression she had made, why continue to try? All have seen what she's hot, you can now cool down a bit. And funny and sad ... but the back still has to be treated. Yes, and it hurts to be honest.

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Well, with the main outs of the exterior we're done. Yes, it repels men. Not that we really just ran without looking back, but to myself such things to note. And put a little less mentally. When we have collected enough, we'll leave to another that will show us a beautiful well-groomed body. Or yourself pobreem, mud and trimmed favorite slut. (But these men were lower.) There is still some time. True, we can not say that it directly relates to the exterior. But I still want to mention it here. Harsh words and insults, shedding from the charming chubby sponges, this is what annoys men about women even more than the unshaven armpits. Of course - not when we are trying a new hair dryer to dry their shoes. And when quarrels are more or less understandable and expectable. When having sex many men it's even exciting, and therefore welcome. But when the words that we heard in the army only on the ensign, the woman says in a normal peaceful conversation ... It can act as a bucket of ice water. (Of course, if the woman herself is not an ensign.) This applies not only to the profanity, but generally to all sorts of rude words. But perhaps an even greater extent, it might be ...
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