What are the prospects of our children?
If you look closely at how to change the position, role relationships, we see: a woman becomes successful, having learned some important men's skills. In contrast, the soft, pliable man makes more successful career than the straight and coarse. Survives unisex. So take your time grind their children the "simple life's truths:" This girl must be modest and neat, "" This boy - the future warrior, he should not cry and complain. " Do not be afraid that they are due to this change their sexual orientation. Between the soft, pliable man and a gay man - a chasm, fixed at the genetic level.
Think before you buy your teenage girls glamor magazines. Russia - one of the countries where the official recognition of gender equality contradicts the patriarchal attitudes towards women. Most of the "female" magazines (foreign «Vogue», «Elle», «Cosmopolitan») are taught, in my opinion, the stereotypes of girls' feminine destiny "(family, children, kitchen), human inferiority, immorality, filth, and sexuality. As an example, I recently saw on the TV commercials: "Encyclopedia of girls to teach them to be real women - beautiful, who know how to use makeup, a good cook and keep house. Encyclopedia of boys to teach them to be smart, strong ... "
Help for parents : What are the prospects for the socialization of our girls? Labor market status of Russian women is clearly worse than men. According to official figures, unemployment in the national average is 8%, and in some regions of 20-27%. Women made up about 70% of the 9 million unemployed registered at employment offices. Today, girls need to exert much effort to become competitive in the labor market.
Boys and girls differ in psychophysics. It is known that the so-called hyperkinetic syndrome (distraction of attention, irritability, and mobility) affects mainly boys. They are also more likely to suffer from neurological diseases. In boys, lower motivation for systematic training, but they show the phenomenal abilities in specialized areas, as well as in the sciences that require precise, logical thinking. Sex differences exist. It is necessary that children perceived them as a feature, advantage, advantage, wealth, and not as an obligation to obey patterns of behavior.
Why do some poor and others rich?
New challenge for parents is a growing social and economic inequality. We still conceptualize life in terms of equality, given that every day fighting for their place under the sun and genuinely upset if our efforts are not always effective. Income level, the economic factor has become a major criterion in determining the perception of Russians of their opportunities. Today, only one third (37%) of all adult Russians believe that their children and grandchildren can get a good education, a quarter (25%) - good health care, one-fifth (19%) - good job in his specialty.
If enough money, lack of essential commodities, the number of confidence in the possibility of obtaining a good education increased to 71%, medical care - up to 52% of specialty - up to 42%. If, however, not enough money even for food, these figures fall to 18%, respectively, 12% and 8%.
The position of parents affects children. Should we tell the children to what social class they belong to and what the prospects for our children? " Yes, because of the fact that some people are poor and others rich, kids will learn for yourself. They are very observant. Children differently dressed. Some were taken out of kindergarten by car, the others come to her grandmother. Kids love to brag to the other expensive toys, and very upset when parents can not buy them any thing. In 3-7 years it is difficult to cope with the restrictions and the refusal of parents may be valued too clear: "They do not love me." Bullying and neglect of children to their requests. We can not decide whether to keep the children in the severity or spoil. But today, this question seems simple compared to others: how to prepare children for life in a society with growing social stratification? Why the world is so unfair, and people reached by different social and economic success?
Myths about the success that we pass to children
Here are some of the installation, the myths about the success that we broadcast to our children.
A successful man (boy, girl, to play with your child) - this one:
• who just lucky: "Well, you see, he just got lucky! Someone bought him a typewriter. Or maybe he just found her. Someday you too will find the same ";
• who have rich relatives, patrons and friends: "My uncle gave him a typewriter! Parents could never buy such an expensive toy! ";
• someone who is smart and talented, has a special ability: "What a talented and clever boy! He will grow up and become famous! ";
• someone who is hardworking: "She is very diligent and hardworking girl! Here, you see, she has worked, and it turned out a great picture! You too can try! ";
• someone who can get: "You see how important it is to be a good girl to be friends with everyone?";
• someone who does not stop at nothing: "obstinately well - they all transcend!";
• one who has a sly character: "Cunning fellow, he cleverly invents everything!"
Of course, we must not forget that the success we tend to be viewed as a combination of qualities and circumstances.
Techniques of achievement motivation
We define a formula for success, motivation and level of achievement of our children in the future. We say to them:
-Everyone should use their abilities, their talents as best as possible! Everything else will follow.
"We need to bring maximum benefit to society, to other people!
-We earn as much as you! We have enough of what we earn!
-To live modestly, do not stand out! More haste, less speed!
These and other attitudes and motivations will be determined by the trajectory of progress and success of your child. Despite the fact that the success of technology are complicated, hard work and communication skills with different people has never stopped anyone. So it's best to say: "You grow up, will a lot of very interesting work. And thanks to your help to buy everything you need! Importantly - a lot of work! "