What are the values of life are prevalent in your model of the world?
World model can be expanded by introducing into it the missing program. Let's try to figure out what values of life are prevalent in your world model . To begin with we list a few pairs of polar values in life.
1.Orientatsiya the goal and focus on immersion in the process of being.
2. Egoism and altruism.
3. Following the emotions and follow the logic.
4. Desire for risk and desire for security.
5. Respect for tradition and a tendency to change.
6. Emotional expressiveness and emotional restraint.
7. Materialistic view of the world and an idealistic view of the world.
8. The desire to compete and the desire to cooperate.
9. The desire for solitude and a desire for contact with others.
10. Action of force and action from a position of belief.
11. The quest for specialization and the desire to expand horizons.
12. The desire to take something from others and the desire to give something to others.
13. Passivity and activity.
14. Subordination and domination.
15. Accuracy and negligence.
16. Initiative and strict adherence to instructions.
17. The desire for intellectual development and pursuit of physical development, etc.
If desired, you can add to the list are many other polar pairs, reflecting the values of life or beliefs. Values of life rarely seen in its extreme form. Between two opposite poles of each pair is a wide range of options, and the middle path lies somewhere in the "central points" of all possible ranges. However, if you catch the image of the middle way too literally and decide which to form a harmonious model of the world you will need to enter into her life values, which are exclusively in the central points between the two extremes, you will make a big mistake, because the model of the world, based on any clear fixed-life values, that they are not even the extreme and extremist, it will be tough, hardened and malozhiznesposobnoy.
Show Taoist approach to the formation of a regular system of values is the same thing as the question of the relation to emotion. The first Quiet learn to create a stable positive emotional background (equilibrium point). Forming an emotional point of equilibrium corresponds to an equilibrium point of the two polar values in life, that is, a certain generalized and averaged value of life, a harmonious synthesis of the two poles. Forming an emotional point of equilibrium, the followers of Shaw-Tao began his coaching stability of the nervous system through exercise of the arbitrary creation of emotions, gradually increasing their intensity, and then returning to equilibrium - a stable positive emotional background.
Just as the calm in their exercises with emotions move from an emotional point of equilibrium to the extremes of intense positive and negative emotions, they are just as learning to move from the point of equilibrium pair of values in life to programs that provide an expression of extreme degrees of polar alignment. Thus Warriors Life provides its ability to carry out necessary actions in cases where the circumstances require the application program corresponding to any point of the range between the two polar life values.
Achieving the goal
For example, consider a pair of values in life, ranked first on our list. This focus on the goal and focus on immersion in the process of being. On the necessity of finding a balance between these values, we have already discussed in the section "balance between the desire for achievement and future-oriented immersion in the process of activity or existence." Now we refine the concept of such an "equilibrium" as a sort of neutral quiescent state from which you can easily navigate to any of the programs - the will to succeed or to the delight of existence - in any degree of intensity.
At the initial stage to introduce in his model of the world, new life values and their corresponding action program, you can in two ways - through meditation, awareness, just as it was recommended to do with the general principles of training, and "writing off" the programs for people in the world models that these programs are pronounced, using the technique described in the "expansion model of the world." Make a list of their basic values in life, try to remember exactly where you learned the corresponding program. Thus, the habit of the order you could get from the mother, the propensity to gamble - from his father, the need for a beautiful life - from a classmate who was once the unquestioned authority for you, the quest for justice - from a literary or kinogeroya performing the strongest impression on you .
Then think about those cases in which the program automatically follow each of the values in life was justified, but when it leads to undesirable consequences. Try to understand what are the values of life should be used in cases where the automatic follow up program did not give the desired result. Try to find some answers to this question. Reflections of this kind - the first step to ensure that the switch from polar to a multi-valued thinking, thinking, characterized by the fact that instead of the categorical "yes" or "no" you will find several different solutions, each of which may be quite acceptable. The more options you retrieve, the greater is your choice. According to research by psychologists, a man with more choice, he feels more confident and ultimately happier.