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What are the visible traits of a persons confidence

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What are the visible traits of a person's confidence?

Sure - it's solid, not flickering, no doubt their abilities and capabilities of people. Such people have a significant impact on others. Reasonable certainty based on objective self-assessment and provides leadership for a long time. Confidence, which is based on inflated self-esteem, too, can afford to hold leading positions, but only for a limited time. Such leadership comes to an end when the team finds no match in the estimates of the individual and collective. Confidence - this is certainly one of the most important qualities of a leader! Confidence creates peace and creates the most favorable conditions for effective teamwork. It is reasonably confident people more often and more quickly achieve success. They are not plagued by doubt, they are not afraid of change. They are distinguished by energy, regardless of circumstances. The absence of certainty deprives a man of inner strength and will inevitably weaken his motivation.

Uncertainty is a serious obstacle to achieving success. Even a faint appearance of the businessman calls for him wary distrust. Uncertainty - "Sister" pessimism. Unsure of people forced to lose much more time for important decisions, because he needs to overcome numerous doubts. Constant "companion" of uncertainty becomes part of the bad mood, did not stimulate activism. These individuals are unlikely to rely on the leadership position. Thus, the confidence should be attributed to the most important "work habits" to the leader. Not by chance in all the known stable cultures attached great importance to the cultivation of confidence as a typological property rights. Self-confidence allows you to take on "load" of responsibility and lead others, armed with confidence ability objectively weighted to take reasonable risks. Uncertain, as a rule, play the role of the slave.
What are the visible traits of a person's confidence?

1.Estestvennaya ease of gestures and postures.

2.Optimisticheskoe perception of the world.

3.Emotsionalnaya, imaginative, relaxed speech.

4.Nalichie sense of humor.

The list goes on. Accordingly, unsure person has the opposite traits, which even on a subconscious level, visible to the team. It is important to understand what a positive experience strengthens our belief in ourselves and in our own strength. Inner confidence in their skills, abilities and capacities - is the foundation for the formation of strong character. Agree, it's hard to imagine a deeply doubting pessimist, which would have a strong character. What are the traits of strong character?

1.Opredelennost and clarity of thought and speech.

2.Privlekatelnye, gentle manners in communication.

3.Sila and familiarity of introspection.

4.Napravlennaya ability to achieve its goals and objectives.

5.Uravnoveshennaya stability in conflict situations.

These traits are not linked to an uncertain person. But we risk a serious mistake if all the listed features not add these, deep internal features of a truly strong character:

1.Postoyannoe sense of doubt as an engine to find the right solutions. Let us explain. Strong - does not mean stubborn! Strong able to admit error or mistake. He was confident that recognition errors do not weaken its credibility. He finds a way not public decisions and to remain strong and invincible!

2.Adekvatnoe use of different manners. It is hard to imagine anyone, for example, in anger and calm reasoning on abstract themes. Make no mistake, good manners - it is appropriate and discreet manifestation of your character, rather than constant flirting with other people. Yes, words have to be calm and poised, but demands strict deliberate and objective.

3.Samoanaliz - it's like homework for school - is required. It is hidden not public in nature and does not necessarily mean "self-flagellation! This search for the right decision, plus analysis of errors!

4.Lichnostny growth - it is certainly self-education and improvement, the results of which will surprise and subordinates and superiors. But the process should be hidden from the eyes of both.

Do not make a serious error! Your personal goals and dreams that are far removed from the interests of the team, get and decide beyond. Do not forget - strong personalities far more than the established!
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