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What are you thinking now

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"What are you thinking now?" .. "

It's clear that the errors in sex - it only men. Listen to women, so that we too in a hurry, you pull too, think only of themselves, do not understand their desires and all. They themselves are something entirely correct, do not reproach. In general, do everything on a strong top five, not even applying to this special effort. Such is the type of sex they have an innate intuition. So if sex is not glued, the whole thing in a man. Okay. Let them tick nature and because they are infallible. We also nothing moves, we move ourselves. So be it. They are perfect ... but still one error in sex, they make sure. Regardless of age, education, temperament and level of income.

After it was over, it fits her cheek on your chest and for a while calms down, thoughtfully fingering the hairs on your powerful breast. And then, three minutes, heard the perennial question: " What are you thinking now? ". familiar? Yes, of course, familiar. Probably no man sexually mature age, which would have been spared this issue matters. This question can stump even when the head is working more or less normal. But what can a thinking man after rough sex?

Yes, anything. Well, maybe that much like bainki. But tell the truth - this is the worst thing you can do in this situation. She does not want to think that you are completely insensitive type, which from it you need only one. We know that it is not. Tired ... But just because it does not prove it. Therefore the answer to this question must wisely. So far as to think in such moments is strictly impossible, it is better in advance, staying at a sober mind and memory, to come up with some palatable answers, use them from time to time, alternating between them. After some practice you can begin to improvise. It's enough to know a few basic concepts on which to build, and their responses to this philosophical question.

Basic concepts
The concept of first (elementary)

You can tell her a compliment. Generally, a compliment - it's a win-win in almost any difficult situation when dealing with a woman. In ninety-nine cases of the most simple compliment can work wonders. The exception is when you are caught with another woman. Here is the trick will not work. And the rest - without ceremony. Well, then. The question: " What do you think now "- can be unintelligible mutter something like:" about what you're beautiful "," You have amazing soft skin, "" You're the best "and so on. She now this is what awaits. She wants to hear from you approval. You bet! She gave you just the most expensive. Your compliment is something like gratitude and encouragement, they say, well done, not in vain tried, I still appreciated.

Particularly tense in the artifice of images is not necessary. You are currently in no condition to try to silence his belt Cicero. You can fast plunge. Because although it is also relaxed at this point, the uptake, it is still better. So the desire for original metaphors and comparisons can end badly. Once a friend of mine compared the girl with the lizard. Well, it seemed to him the same brisk and graceful ... Hmm ... Well, he got off easy fright. But it has since become much more careful. In short, be easier in these moments, and everything will be fine.

The concept of the second (Heroic)

A good option if you're counting on the continuation and going a little rest and recuperate before a new burst. Then you do this: sit back, take a glass of juice on the bedside table, and embarks on a lengthy discussion on the topic: "Can a boy be friends with a girl?". That is a factory detailed conversation about the relationship, men and women, and about your views on this side of life, that is the real harmony in the sex and love ... Well, everything is in the same spirit. Women love these questions. And gossip is always very busy, and what could be more remarkable than the hotly proving something naked girl in your bed? By the way, you will also be useful to hear it. She, herself without wanting to, can tell you about myself a lot of interesting things. Another question is whether you raise it up? .. But it does not matter. And it is important that you show their best side. Behind you a reputation for a person with whom there is something to talk about. (And not only ...)

The concept of the third (unexpected)

You can respond to it some quite unexpected and is not suitable at the time of sentence. For example: "Thou shalt not seethe a kid in its mother's milk." If a girl is smart, she tries to grasp the philosophical meaning of this statement. Or decide that you are now in a position superior mental stress and you find it hard to control speech and thought. And it will be flattered. If a girl is stupid, then it sincerely sorry poor little kid and his mom. In short, plenty of other things to occupy my head.

The concept of the fourth (in case of emergency)

Each is well known that after having sex woman vigorous and full of strength and energy, and a man willing to give tips. Because we give energy, and they her, in contrast, accumulate. (In scientific terms it is perhaps not quite so, but in practice we have only one desire - to lie, and that no one touched. Doing nothing is not desirable. But what to do there - even impossible to talk.) So do not tell ! Once she asked a question, you can go directly to the counter and wrest the initiative from her hands for the rest of the night. Simply say: "I think about how well lie here with you, be silent and listen to silence." Speak again to a very pathetic. None of the false notes should not be. If all you say is correct - you are allowed to listen to a little quiet. And how many men does it take to fall asleep? Yes, a couple of minutes!

Here are some simple exercises. Is not recommended in such moments, joking. Excellent sense of humor in itself - a thing very well. But if you start the humor in the answer to this question, the lady rightly decides that you really have a way with him. Although, in theory, should lose his head with happiness. Still, after she made happy as you are unspeakably. And once you start making jokes so sober, then: 1) it is you are not too pleased and 2) all men - unfeeling bastards. In general, the jokes are best left for later. Especially at this moment it is unlikely you will come to mind something decent. So you'd better stay a little longer sublimely sad, wistful and melancholic.
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