What can I do to not get rejected?
Such manipulative technique is based on selectivity and the instability of human attention. It works as follows: the manipulator tries to divert his companion from the main theme of conversation, to transfer his attention to other objects, then returns to the problem, but the integrity of the buddy picture perception issue, he can not objectively evaluate the benefit of the proposal and often agrees with arguments of the manipulator.
Explanation technique looks pretty complicated, but in practice the use of this technique is easy. For clarity, we give some examples, you need to do to not get rejected. You really want to persuade a friend to meet a man with your girlfriend. Knowing that he was reluctant to make new friends, you can use the above technique. In order to obtain his consent, you should seek the most advantageous to describe his proposal, telling about the beauty of your girlfriend and her charm. During a call, you can divert a phone call (his plan, agreed in advance with your girlfriend). Distracted from the conversation, you let the interlocutor, and his attention shifts to your actions. After the break should be sharply back to your request and ask the men a definite answer, not giving him time to recover, knocking him to the main idea. Most likely, the answer is yes.
Another variant of this manipulation. You need to have your colleague worked for you at the weekend, as you have on this weekend is planned a grand picnic. How to persuade him to agree to your request? Very simple. At the beginning of the conversation please provide your request as soon as possible using more vague and unclear language, for example: "I have to do you care: you could not work for me a little?" Or "Could you help me: do not replace me at the time ?. Do not tell all the details right: the parts can be told later, with the agreement of the interlocutor. Distract his attention by any available means - the most obvious of them: "Oh, mote in my eye." Can suddenly stood up and say, you become very close, and open the window, you can remember about the long-scheduled call to your client. All of this will distract your buddy, and when you return to the topic of your conversation, you should immediately ask: "Well, what did you think of my request?" Refuse it is unlikely to be able to.

Such manipulative techniques can be used not only in conversation with men, but also with women. Attention as men can be switched in a special way - with female charm. For example, in the midst of the conversation you can, citing intolerable stuffiness, take off your jacket and stay in a blouse with open neckline or, stating its request to touch the numerous bracelets on your wrist or twist in the hands of the suspension. The man is sure to be distracted by your actions and will likely miss the essence of the stated request.