What can I say friends after breaking up with your favorite?
Of course, we live in an era of glasnost. But the question is: Does this mean that we must disclose all familiar lamentable outcome of your relationship is not complicated? Do I have to share the details of parting with the others? And you can tell friends after breaking up with favorite? couple of months ago I've lost my girlfriend. Lost - in the literal sense of the word. Leroy took a leave from work, her mobile to all of our calls are answered the same thing: "The subscriber does not answer or is temporarily unavailable", at the city phone no one took up. In short, it just disappeared, and none of his acquaintances did not know where to look.
Some time later, when the general excitement and curiosity reached its climax, Ljerka finally showed up. On my angry questions about where her features were, Lera succinctly explained: "I threw Igor and comes to life. No one wanted to communicate. You have started to ask why, what and how, but I do not know what to answer all questions about the break, and generally do not wish to discuss this. "
The first moral of this story: the easiest way to avoid asking questions about your break-up - simply disappear. It is desirable for all. Something wrong? Then take the example of Hollywood stars and all the unpleasant answer your questions short and concise "No comment." Do not be afraid that you will find a bitch. It is your right. And if you do not want to discuss the details of his personal life or the cause of her absence, this is not a manifestation of bitchiness or harmfulness. This is a manifestation of your love for yourself.
And anyway, if you think about whether you want to spread rumors about the details of your break and tell all about the flaws of the character of your ex? Perhaps all is not worth, you risk earning a reputation for gossiping. Also do not forget about the universal law: "As you sow, so shall you reap." If you sow frivolous comments and all the details paint flaws and weaknesses of your ex boyfriend, be ready, that he at any time to answer you the same. You need it? Hardly. Be above the desire to pat the language and gossip. In addition, if you persevere spread rumors about the former and tirelessly to talk about all this, it means that he'll still care about. Is it really so? Then better to discuss their experiences in the privacy of a therapist, not with everyone he met.