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What color is your childs life

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What color is your child's life?

There are four basic colors that reflect the basic setup men. It is red, yellow, blue and green. They correspond to the four basic elements that we all have learned through numerous astrological predictions: fire (red), air (yellow), ground (green), water (blue). Parents, adults can still remember from school courses that our famous physiologist Ivan Pavlov after ancient scholar Heraclitus identifies four types of temperament - choleric (red), sanguine (yellow), phlegmatic (green), melancholic (black). You see, everything converges, whatever one may say.

Now, attention! Depth of installation and basic colors like are given to us from birth. Their change is likely to fail. But first, they must consider and take. Secondly, a variety of color surrounding the children exactly trains and teaches them the perception of what the world is diverse, and for him to adapt quickly. So on the one hand, we are doomed to their colors, on the other, to live is not irritated in any color. Pay attention to what colors choose your children when they paint, dress, what color plates are pulled to itself, if they offer a choice it will help us determine what color your baby's life.


Which is typical for red (choleric, fire)? Expressiveness, enthusiasm, high external activity. At six o'clock they did not sleep and drive their parents to istupleniya systematic early awakening. But at night they are full of plans and energy, requiring them to read the book and tell me more, as the wolf ate the grandmother? "How is it technically possible: swallow plump, smart old lady?" - Means their question while they watch their own grandmother. Maybe it was still not a wolf and an elephant?

With the "red" is not boring. But do not rest. For me, the "green" moms (read: an orderly, quiet and prone to thinking), my "red" son was a punishment that exists. It seemed to me that there are no human resources are not enough to satisfy his curiosity and desire to raise the dust in our small apartment. During the first half year of his life, I lost 25 kilograms in weight. No such effect gives no diet in the world. Temperament - a way of life. Mismatch of temperaments - a sure way to provoke change in their lives. Want to change - parents of the child or contact your life with someone who does not like you ...

Yellow (sanguine, air) - is always smiling, risible and catchy children. They are full of optimism and confidence that everything will not only be good, but also was zamechatelno.Vzrosleya, they turn to those who have always "glass half full". You will find them easily on a wide beaming smile, just as "red" on how quickly you get tired of their presence and restless activity, and they just change the record and will rush to play with someone else. Yellow - the most plastic and free the children. They love everything new and unusual. The expression "It's interesting!" - Their motto. "Yellow", children will perceive with great enthusiasm the news of the arrival of guests or the upcoming trip to the sea. Least of all their embarrassing complete change of environment, the need to meet new boys and girls. To the question "Who do you most like?" A child begins to list all he knew of people, including those he had seen only once.


Blue (melancholic, water) - the color of peace, tranquility, even sadness and grief. Such children are sometimes sad, and quietly cry. But in general they do not give parents great anxiety. One grandmother told me that she had left his three-year granddaughter sitting on the chest, while she went to the market to sell onions. My grandmother was absolutely convinced that by returning her granddaughter will be sitting there, staring at a book or playing with a doll. There are, though rare, are the cool kids who do not give much concern to his parents, did not differ stormy outside activity.


Green (phlegmatic, earth) - the color in front, cool, not very emotional, but persistent and sometimes energetic children. Of course, they are not as charming as "yellow" or "red", which infect us with their emotions, but they know what they want and achieve it. Not let the steam whistle in the ... Among them are full of future moralists, pedants, collectors, as well as stubborn and vseznaek. Look at the children's corner "green" baby, and you will see that if the toys are not stacked neatly, then, in any case, they lie in a certain order, violation of which would be perceived painful and cause the child protective aggression.

Color in clothing

Now back to the clothes, which, as the English say, makes the people. In Russia, it sounds like: "Meet on clothes." Person's identity can be easily read by their clothes. Remember, some irritation or disappointment we have some clothing items, chosen for us parents. Moms hard not understand what we need and why be ashamed to wear these tights or those shoes. For all the variety of tastes and choice of clothing, there are four styles, which in the long run will keep your kids. One of them, incidentally, is included in your preferences.

 "Blue" children around trying to follow the standards, it is easy to learn and never resist the proposed standards of conduct and dress code. They are easy to wear uniforms all eleven years of study and settle an old robe and slippers at home last year. This obedient children, and they are what is usually what is offered by adults. This boy will not leave you in the purple shirt with green peach in the pocket, which he gave to Aunt Rose, and will not say that never in his life, he no longer wears yellow corduroy pants. However, it is likely no one will buy them. If you can not remember these children, only because they are extremely subtle, but at least it was on such dreams chadah majority of kindergarten teachers.

Close to the traditional style, in my opinion, is the classic "green." Here, obviously, more flavor, but the flavor tasted. White shirts with black butterflies, the strict black trousers, gold buttons on his jacket - that is what pulled handles these boys. I would say that the claim, vanity, and a high level of claims - that is what is read is that and how they wear. Luxury white dresses "green" children prefer colorful and amusing costume firecrackers on New Years Eve. Long, well-groomed hair, strong posture princesses girls will be given "green."

But the ever-smiling Pinocchio, immediately after birth is trapped in the endless adventure - only "yellow" baby. By its style it - the mod, or a modernist. He was so go and striped cap instead of hats, which are usually of good citizens, and a bright jacket with no buttons, and short pants, issuing its lightness. What can we say about a long nose, which he sticks everywhere. He was an original. He is shocking. And with so much fun!

And finally, the red - it's originality and elegance, if under the latter understood not the style of people in age and love to detail, careful selection of combinations of colors and clothing items. If walking with children to shop, they will pay attention not to the price as "green", but in unusual detail, and re-measure than a dozen jackets, he suddenly flung over one of them with a confident cry: "This!" And if you do not buy it, the desire to possess a thing could come to mania, and deprive children of sleep and appetite. Voracious and active "red" would not mind to have a large selection of clothing, but not what, and so are others. It is clear that the shape, neat dress and apron they hate. It seems, least of all the Reds are willing to put up with the standards of this life. At the same time they do not like cream of wheat and orange juice just because they are trying to spoon fed this "proper" meal.
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