What do you have to face?
What do you have to face
God has given to the person, but you choose it expression.
Look at the faces of people who gray morning mass flow into the subway. Like?
Scary country where all the morning bad moods and such persons. They say the eyes are the mirror of the soul, I think facial expression - a book of the soul. That it can read?
Feelings, fears, illness - did not pass without a trace. If a person has a permanent state of boredom, laziness, depression, and the basic emotions - fear, anger, resentment, with time on his face is formed by the corresponding mask. Thus, any of us in the end, accepts the image it deserves. Look in the mirror, what person you deserve what other people "read" as he put it? Success? Interest in life? Or something else?

A person who is still calling card man. Oddly enough, many people are made beautiful with gold embossing business cards, but do not care about the main calling card - the face. But for him other people define you safely or not? With you can deal with? This is important. Think, if any man a lot of personal problems, to whom he is interested in? For all its difficulties, why deal with the accident, which may begin to "load" of all his troubles. No money, no life partner, all the women ... all guys ... and the head of cattle, and everything got! " And for the reliability of the person must be a sad, pained, miserable. You need a companion?
Many complain about the hard life, because there are so many villains, who would not "suffer face", when some misfortune and experiences. It is true, the situation may not be easy, but someone suffers and complains, but someone solves problems and achieves its goals, while in the shower peace and joy on his face. Do you so? They say that wisdom does not preclude the trials and tribulations, but only complaints, and poor form. You are already wise?
Often girls are unapproachable face and eager, to know them men who cared, gave flowers. But among young people less idiots who are willing to spend time and energy on the girls with the expression "Do not climb, kill!". Around a lot of welcoming girls, who gets all the male attention. A lady with a "contraceptive" angry faces (angered himself ), wrinkle face, but keep going with the "stone" expression.
Can I stop "a person to suffer"? I think so, and the sooner the better. Maybe, for starters, simply monitor the facial expressions during the day, state of mind. How long face sullen, discontented? There is joy? Long? Further, it is useful to keep a person more likely, for example, happy, smiling, interested and attentive. Develop the front of the mirror these emotions if they are until you are familiar with, do not close, and use them throughout the day.
You can visit the "Training emotional appeal, which will get much useful information.
In any event, if you do not care about your face, it will scare off good people and success in life and attract what is not needed. What do you have to face?