What do your wrinkles?
As a rule, women are rarely deep, straight longitudinal wrinkles on the forehead. Increasingly, such wrinkles can be seen on the face of a prominent representative of the male sex, prominent in the truest sense - a smart, talented, and inclined to reflection, a proud and able to control himself. It becomes clear why such wrinkles in women almost never - not enough in the female character of the above qualities. If the forehead completely without wrinkles, especially if it looks right semicircle or seem flat in appearance, and belongs to the not too young ladies - it is not very good, maybe talk about dishonesty, stubbornness and strife, love, entertainment, desire to live "foreign intelligence and many others are not too pleasant traits associated with the fact that people simply can not think. Now try to look at your forehead and determine what they say your wrinkles are and why they appeared (or are just starting to appear). The forehead is often said about the early years of life, why are so many young girls have a wrinkle on his forehead, which suggests that their childhood was not carefree.
-5-6 Subtle, continuous "threads of" often people have smart, capable, in general, normal. Perform regular facials and seldom try to wrinkle his forehead, so that wrinkles do not become more pronounced and profound.
-If the wrinkles are scattered on the forehead "anyhow, it's not a very good sign. How long have you read something serious, make important decisions, reflect not only about what to cook for dinner? Sounds like your mind was not so sharp as it used to be his coach, then some of the wrinkles will disappear, while others will become more noble shape. In any case, the forehead becomes beautiful.
-A few longitudinal wrinkles, crossed by transverse - a sign that you're an active life, constantly communicating with people, telling them something in color, depicting the first one and then another character. Your facial expressions, which are the envy of even an actor. But whether or not to spoil their appearance, out of habit or moving his eyebrows lifting them up, even when it is not necessary? Remember Jim Carrey - after fifteen minutes of any film with his participation from active mimics the actor just tired. Try to control the movement of muscles in the forehead, spend the evening light relaxing massage, especially if you have a busy schedule and thoughts have no desire to leave the poor tired head, even during sleep.
-If you have wrinkles on the forehead mainly concentrated in the area around the eyebrows - it says that you do not have an outstanding intellect. You care about the rumors and gossip, gossip column, and simple everyday problems. Surely you love to watch TV and chat for hours with my friends, acquaintances peremyvaya bone. Do not want to have the decoration on the forehead? Then try to think how you can change your life, than to replace the TV and chat with her friends. Maybe you sat on the ground, can not find a worthy cause, or simply sit up days napolet house, complaining over the lack of a row of decent employment. To rouse himself, get to think - then do it will be difficult. Stupid woman can be beautiful if she is young, but from the "naive girl" to "old fools" just one step, or rather a couple of years. Women between the ages attracted to men (even very young) quite different: charming, experienced, well-groomed, self-mastery and knowledge, who then is a leisurely gestures and well thought out words. A "cheerful idiots," "stuck" in the same way that excited them still in their teens, eventually becoming too attractive man. Maybe not so bad, and the whole thing in the mask you wear - always enthusiastic and admired around the lady who now and then rounds up his eyes and raises his eyebrows? Is it necessary? Maybe we should get rid of this do not dye your habits?
Rounded-wrinkle over one eyebrow, says that its owner is often "turn up their noses" and skeptical about what others say. She is arrogant, but not too clever, if other facial wrinkles there. Just from time to time she vzdergivaet eyebrow as if to say: "I pretend to listen to you, but really do not hope that I will hear something new!" Get rid of this bad habit, and the wrinkle will disappear by itself, you're is not at all, is not it? Just in time chosen is not quite correct mask, which only hurts your image. Women who love to lift an eyebrow during a conversation with someone, or thinking, often give the eyebrows a rounded shape. Should not be strongly emphasize this brow shape - curved and smoothly contoured, high-brow in any textbook on physiognomy described as belonging not very honest person, people instinctively do not trust the owners of the eyebrows and consider them pretenders. Do you want to see you thought liar?

-If the wrinkles on your forehead are not horizontally or vertically, but in different directions, it says the living mind, originality, and penchant for eccentric behavior. But if you do not grow up and not "muster the seriousness" of time can turn into a "beautiful" with a monkey like face, though very original, interesting in communication. With age (and the deepening wrinkles "), such people begin to develop and materet" not too pleasant traits: impulsiveness, and frequent changes of mood, sharpness, pugnaciousness and rudeness. Get rid of these wrinkles is difficult. The best way to cope with his occasionally going crazy kind - to learn some technique of restoring the eastern composure through exercise: meditation, martial arts, breathing exercises, yoga.
-Failures, problems and constant feelings put on the forehead with a kind of zigzag pattern of wrinkles. The older the person, the deeper the wrinkles, the harder it is get rid of them because of failure to the owner of such wrinkles stick like themselves - could, therefore, stick that he himself had nothing else to think simply can not? Over time, this person may simply harden, to strike at fault, neglect the opinions of others and lie to people. Not very nice portrait, is not it? If a zigzag wrinkles snuck onto your forehead, read the first few chapters of this book, think, what do you live, move the problem and start a new life, then the problem, and the wrinkles will leave your head.