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What does psychology

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What does psychology

The word psychology comes from the Greek "Psycho" - the soul and "logos" - the science and means "science of the soul." Although the fact of ownership of the ancient Greek itself is impressive, to understand the subject matter it is not enough. First, you need to learn the basic principles. This is done by a few, so you leave behind even some psychologists. The fact that the basis of any areas of psychology are intractable problems, and even the terminology is full of contradictions, you will certainly at hand. Always use it their advantage.

Secondly, different people understand psychology in different ways. Therefore, in order to pass for a psychologist, you need to understand the psychology and the set of "schools" that it spawned. For the various schools of psychology characterized a certain level of mutual loyalty, it is not typical of most major religions. Isolated experimental and applied psychology: the first is related to laboratory tests, the second is applied in real life. For example, analysts argue that psychology studies the unconscious, paranormal forces affecting human rights; behaviorists argued that psychology explores the causes and consequences of human behavior.

There are trends in science, which looks like a cult (eg, cognitive-behavioral analysis), but they rarely take into account because, in essence, they develop ideas from other areas of psychology. Calmly choose any of the current trends in psychology or, as many do, invent your own. Before we can supply you with the necessary facts, and become acquainted with the discoveries in this area and, most importantly, with a particular image of the psychologist, would like to draw your attention to several important points to encourage you and help you to easily enter into the role of the psychologist.
1. Even the psychologists do not know exactly what is psychology. Psychologists point out that the definition of any concept of the field of psychology, such as intelligence, memory or feeling, is not exact. The same can be said of most of psychology.

2. Being a psychologist did not mean to engage in practical psychology. Many psychologists upset by the fact that the most influential theories in psychology have been developed by philosophers, psychiatrists and other physicians, as well as biologists, computer scientists, physicists, engineers, or even someone's great uncle. Fortunately, the theory of human intelligence, developed by traffic wardens, no one takes seriously.

3. Few people know what the psychologist. In psychology, so many disciplines, and it is impossible to understand what is, strictly speaking, should daily engage a psychologist. Therefore, non-professionals often respond: "He talks to people," read thoughts "," Extracts from the head and spinning it evaluates promotional radio spots. "

4. Every psychologist has a theory.

Not necessarily cite other people's ideas, if with the same success can distribute their own. The possibilities here are endless - from the evidence that the words of others can be true (only with the conduct of actual experiments, for example, "greener grass is his neighbor?"), Through the study of something missed by researchers from the mind (eg, study-chenie new core competency - "Tricks fifth point"), to a mere study of the role of psychology in a specific aspect of human behavior (eg, the function of selective attention in scanning the crowded bar when searching for an object "free waitress").

5.Bolshie expectations. Were there one basic principle for all of psychology (which probably does not exist), it would consist of the following: human behavior is dictated by his expectations, which are due to unconscious motivations, lessons learned, certain social roles, or the perception of moment. Key to these domestic bonds - the ability to always expect the unexpected and not always expect the expected. Or, in one sentence summing centenarian study in psychology: "Smile! This could never happen. " Of course, do not say these seditious speech in a room full of psychologists. It is better to willingly accept that complex terms and ornate explanation flooded science are absolutely essential.

Now you know what the psychology , you have a reliable base from which to push the study of discipline and awareness of the subtleties of her curious nature. The first step - the most important but, nevertheless, easy to understand. Psychology - the science, art or human nature? For the psychologist, there is only one answer to this question.

Why psychology can be called science

Serious scientists (for example, studying physics and biochemistry of the round worm) often question the status of Psychology as a science. Most sensible people, resist the temptation of becoming professional by science, considering psychology as an applied discipline with vague terminology ("mumbling psychos"). Whatever it was, if you want to impress a psychologist, you need to firmly defend the view that psychology - indeed science. To evaluate this assertion should brush up a little history. Of course, it's human nature, but do not let that bother, you are in fact not required knowledge of the history of psychology more than a psychologist, but it's quite a bit.

Origins: Is there evidence in philosophy?

History of Psychology is rather short. More than 2500 years no one was indignant that the philosophy of psychology (good examples are Aristotle, Socrates, Descartes later, which you can chide for what he severed the soul from the body as a "ghost in the machine"). These sapient slackers mused about the human mind, and no scientist bothered them a little request to give evidence. At sunset the XIX century at last coup. Scientists wanted to see the facts, whether there is a ridiculous assertions of philosophers grain of truth. Thus began a period of empirical psychology.

Since then, important ideas about the mind, become subject to verification by experiments, ie for the extension of the theory ought to conduct experiments in which the hypothesis tested. The failure meant a nail in the coffin for the whole theory. It happens! Unfortunately, psychologists are only human and can be equally self-conscious and diligent, so many theories have been unjustly forgotten, while the other insists, without having the slightest evidence of their truth.

William James (1842-1910), brother of novelist Henry James, was a prominent American opponent of Wundt. He helpfully defined psychology as a science of spiritual life and worked as a servant of 12 years to write his famous book "Principles of Psychology" (you should make it a rule to call it "James"). In 1884, James perfectly formulated the theory of emotions, James - Lange, over which the year before that worked for Carl Lange (1834-1900). According to the theory of James - Lange emergence of emotions caused by external influences caused by changes in any area of propulsion and in the field of involuntary acts cardiac, vascular, secretory activity.

 The collection of sensations associated with these changes, and there is emotional experience. James illustrates this with an example, which was subsequently repeatedly cited psychologists: a man realizes his fear of the bear only after it has reacted to the attack (for example, ran away or said in my mind that next year is not worth spending a vacation in Yosemite National Park) . It should be noted that psychologists are still arguing about the questionable places the theory of James - Lange. This provides compelling evidence that psychology - really "hard" science, or what many psychologists are incorrigible in their desire to engage in a perfect science.
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