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What does the Tarot Eight of Swords

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What does the Tarot Eight of Swords

"The mental transition, the changes"

Another global and unpleasant change along with the other eight. Now it came to your world view.

A very long time you were the master of his life, embodied in the reality of their plans, enjoyed the respect and even fame. Your rules, attitudes and views of the world in any situation work for you. What is happening now, not just from a state brings you peace and balance - it makes you mad, destroying a clear and controlled world.

You cease to obey the people and events. You lose control of the situation, the power goes out from your hands. Your rights are no longer accepted on faith. Events at work or home from plasticine are steel and are no longer cave in to you.

What's happening? Are you scared, you get angry and try to figure out where you made a mistake, which has weakened its credibility. Map brings pain and fear, because you see the destruction of your ability to affect lives.

Inverted value

You do not reconcile with the situation and want to regain control over events. You keep trying to convince ourselves and others that you are still strong and cool. But the more active you balk, the rougher cost to you life. Not you, but you argue. Not you, but you manage. Your mind panics, the thoughts are confused, you're ready to go crazy.

Eight of Swords most difficult among all the Eights, as occurs in the most sacred in human life - his view of the world. In this territory, he creates something truly sustainable and durable, and the destruction here is very painful. Man has long controlled the flow of life and got used to it. And now he is taught fatalism - and he resists all the forces.

Way to end the suffering on the surface - to change, not resist them. Easy to say! It is hard to do.

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