What does the Tarot Nine of Swords
"Fatalism. Adoption of Stream
This can be called enlightenment. Pass through Eight of Swords, and stay sane and memory - a truly heroic act. After all, you can get on the Nine, only to successfully complete the test by changing outlook for the transformation of the ego. Yes, here again, as in the rest of nine, running a "green" level of development of personality, but only in the mind, intellect.
It is time to look at the world wiser eye, learn to listen to the stream of life and understand it.
Fate leads you in a certain direction. Sometimes you're happy to agree, but sometimes you absolutely do not like the way that it offers. You used routinely resisted and displays its own strategy. Now you know - life is much wiser than you, and you follow her instructions.
Does not mean that you should be submissive and weak-willed creature that carries over into the unknown distance. You are still given the freedom of choice, the opportunity to express themselves creatively, just now you're living trust in choosing a direction. You do not have to worry about the global goal of his life. You learn that life itself is the goal. And God help on the way, drawing upon him the right people and right tools.
You learn to live here and now, without building plans in the years ahead, thereby giving themselves the right to creativity.
Inverted value
You remember the time of his triumph over life and tried to row against the tide. You're going to use the same old approaches and the quality of its Ya Try it - but now it's useless. The level you grew, he went down in history. Now you're not a player, but not a pawn. You think that life is once again decided to bend you under their plans. But this is an illusion - the life you need not to torment and laugh at you. Her only desire - to help you and protect from bugs, showing infinite love to you - her child. It is foolish to resist, making himself the ruler of the pressure Devil's Own. Now it will be considered as a degradation.
Nine of Swords brings people to such an understanding of his own life when you can talk about friendship. We begin to trust the events, trying to see them food for thought. We are available hints and signs, we are no longer at war with the world for the right to be major. On the contrary, we are very comfortable located in the "boat on the River Flow" and she swims in the right direction for us. And we can enjoy the views, confident that no danger of us not afraid.
Nine of Swords does not mean total enlightenment. It only says about a particular situation and what is the attitude of man. A mood is simple - let the wheel, allow life itself to bring him to the kind of decisions and results. It is worth a little "swim" with the flow, trusting. Any proactive in this situation may create unnecessary obstacles to the goal.