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What does the Tarot Ten of Swords

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What does the Tarot Ten of Swords

If the Nine of Swords has taught you to take the situation for what it is, not to resist the flow of life and to be "seeing", the top ten of swords can reach the level of awareness. Now do not you just see where fate takes you and what options the events you expect, you can track your unconscious attempt to resist this. Their desires, aspirations, you can now confidently identify as true or false. Do you understand them, you realize where your intentions, and where - imposed on you by someone else.

But that's not all. You can see perfectly their own shortcomings and then you can understand what motivations lead you to the path of evolution, and which, conversely, withdraw from it. Your ego does not control you anymore.

Ten of Swords said that the false intentions that are uniquely destructive to you, you are immediately transferred to the discharge gaps. And what is usually done with these elements? Of course, "cut off" until the infection has not gone deeper into your being.

Ten of Swords in the alignment of the Tarot says about what you decide on something to give at all, flatly . This may be a relationship, feeling or desire, the job offer or something else. You pass this up, as from lack of.

"Surgery" - literally - surgery. Traditional medicine shall do so with those things that threaten the disease throughout the body.

Inverted value

You're too rooted to his disadvantage. Does it hurt to part with them. You seemed to have cut off part of his body, so you have to stick with them.

Resistance are you delay the process. It is a pity that you all are aware. Dial the courage, patience. Time will heal this wound, but do not have to correct the situation then, when embodied in the desire will lead you away from your path.

Ten of Swords is rarely necessary to read in the alignment of the Tarot as a sign of a high level. Often it just indicates neobhodmost or determination of a person to give anything in my life. He treats the relationship, job, occupation, excess killogramy, clothing and anything else like that, which prevents live on and develop. This is sometimes a shade of sadness, and sometimes brings a real misery. But if a person "chooses" Ten of Swords - a firm belief, a confident decision that it is very difficult to influence.

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