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What does the physical form of the chosen one

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What does the physical form of the chosen one?

When choosing a candidate for pets is also worth a close look at its physical form. It is clear that in front of you is not worth such a task as determining the extent to which man is healthy and even more so, as he chistoporoden. The latter criterion for two-legged "pets" is not that really does not apply, just in appearance, this conclusion is difficult to make. Nevertheless, the physical form of a candidate for pets can tell the observant woman, a lot. What does the physical form of the chosen one?

On appearance of the potential two-legged pet, you can determine how he made friends with the sport. Besides, knowing the peculiarities of male psychology, we understand why, without exception, two-legged pets tend to present themselves before the better half of humanity in the most favorable light: they are businessmen and sportsmen. But what we see is real? Strong, pull the shape or lowered shoulders, clearly emerging belly? This is exactly the case when you have to first believe his eyes, and then, and ears. I did not call you to deal exclusively with athletes and other representatives of the male species considered inferior human beings, but if you decide to get a sport pet, then keep your eyes peeled, as they say in both. Do not let us deceive ourselves inspired fabrications about the gym, pool, boxing ring and the presence of three medals, if there is a hunched back, weak hands, or, conversely, a strong stomach. By the way, is also an opportunity to check you've chosen a man of sincerity. True, if you catch him cheating, then do not judge too harshly: he just really wants you to become his adored mistress, and therefore indulges in all the tricks.
Also, the appearance can be no words to tell about how a potential home "pet" monitors are , as far as he is neat and not afraid of the word chistoploten. Now I do not mean people with no fixed abode, and in general all elements descended, but there are representatives of the male species that do not belong in the above categories, do not look after their appearance. The three-day stubble, a collection of diverse colors and shapes of spots on the shirt, wrinkled pants and sprinkled the ashes ... It does not sound too appealing, but nothing of what looks like, I generally keep quiet. But let's think about what brings the two-legged "pets" to such a sorry state? It is likely all stems from laziness, sadly, but this quality is inherent in many individuals of the male sex.

It is also possible that the reason for the absence of the mistress, and in general women's concerns. Or maybe your partner - a creative person: a painter, sculptor, poet or scientist, obsessed with academic problems? Then he simply does not care about such little things in life, like his own appearance. Just think, shapeless, and the dimensionless T-shirt and something unimaginable in the head! As for genius, then we can do is simple: to put in a prominent place perfectly laundered and ironed things - he wears them mechanically, without looking, and your goal will be achieved. True, it is unclear in what form your two-legged pet will come home at night, but at least some portion of the daylight hours he is quite neat! My advice: to console themselves with thoughts of what will bring the fruits of his research or creative pursuits adored mistress, ie you.

Condition bristles on the face of the candidate to the home "pets" - an occasion for a separate discussion. Most representatives of the male species often neglected such useful and important procedure as shaving, because ordinary laziness. However, some of them think that facial hair to decorate. I have no doubt that your keen feminine look not confuse deliberate slight unshaven with simple bristles. Also, if you prefer long-haired two-legged "pet", then this problem disappears by itself. Yet most women like it when their pet clean-shaven. This is not surprising, because a gentle creature is very well developed intuition, which tells them that an individual male, having a useful habit to shave clean, as a rule, responsible, persistent and purposeful people. They are stubborn and determined what they want from this life, and therefore in most cases get their way. Each of us wants to see next to him just such a darling. And this is the right choice.

Meet on clothes ...

Return to the issue of clothing. Suppose your partner is dressed not only clean, but very carefully, so that smoothed everything, everything folds and arrows. What does it say? As a rule, men rarely have such talents as the desire for washing and ironing. Let's say, a great variety of washing machines, which appeared on the market of household appliances, will help to cope with at least part of the problem. But as for ironing ... If even the women sometimes lose their patience, smoothing the folds of endless, what to say about the representatives of the male species? So when you notice that the scheduled candidate you are always perfectly clean shirt (with cuffs and collar, not faded), and ideally ironed trousers and jacket (linen or even silk!), We can draw some conclusions. First, assume that he is doing laundry and ironing their own, and for this honor and praise him. What's the lie the reasons for this surprising behavior? Practice shows that in most cases this is because a potential two-legged pet lives alone or in male company, ie next there is simply no representative of the fair sex, which would be shouldered on their fragile shoulders of such duties.

So do not even expect, that your man will wash and iron their clothes, as well as your clothes, bed linens, towels, curtains, living with you in the same area. Although, you never know: maybe you are lucky, they say, on a grand scale, and your "pet" will be a happy exception to this rule. But in the second embodiment perfect type of clothing a candidate for the companions of life can provide the fair sex, located next to him, such as mother, sister, housekeeper or. Yes, unfortunately, this possibility can not be eliminated completely: perhaps your two-legged friend already has a mistress, or at least the woman who claims to be this role. If a woman in his life is present, then such traits as honesty, his character is missing. Think for yourself whether you need such a man, because if he is flirting with you now, it is doubtful that in the future refuses to flirt with someone else on the side. But, of course, do not rush to any hasty conclusions just because a man looks neat.

I want to say something else, referring to the clothes of your potential two-legged pet. Carefully study the advice of his wardrobe, because if it is dominated by silk, linen, cotton, woolen garments and clothing from other delicate fabrics, lie on your shoulders a lot of washing and ironing. And if he still prefers light-colored clothes, your task more difficult. Nothing, I think you can do it: to persuade him to buy a washing machine last generation, to hire housekeepers, or find another way to better their lives. And can you deliver these lessons with what incomparable pleasure. Thus, the physical form and appearance of the candidate for pets can tell a lot. And I have no doubt that you will all notice and properly evaluated.
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