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What does your subconscious mind

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What does your subconscious mind

Do you often dream of other men. You are afraid that the subconscious mind tells you that you made the wrong choice, it gives your secret desires and subconscious that you are actually dreaming about another man. If you often dream of a declaration of love from strange men, if in a dream you see someone of your colleagues passionately kissing you on the lips or attempts to induce sexual relations, then it is not necessary to sound the alarm and declare loudly that you are made a mistake in choosing. Should not be interpreted so literally dreams - because they reflect not only our subconscious desires and fears.

What does your subconscious mind ? Such dreams can mean that you are afraid to change your beloved, it is possible that your feelings are not so strong, so you visit the doubt. Typically, the danger of betrayal in the dream comes from some permanent, but a faceless man who embodies the opposite sex in general. If you dream of someone specific, someone you know, it again does not mean one hundred percent that you've been dreaming about it is that your subconscious mind, he is firmly entrenched as a potential and desirable lover.

Although this option is also impossible to deny. Sometimes such dreams may mean that you are afraid of him. Perhaps in the life of this man continually oppresses you. He stands above you on the ladder or exceeds you in the intellectual and professional characteristics, and you're afraid of oppression, and manifestations of its power over you. In the dream, the fear expressed in the form of sexual harassment on his part as the highest degree of enslaving women to men.
Important role in assessing the value of sleep play your emotions. Try to remember that you are experiencing during the dream - the fear and horror or pleasure and joy. If you are experiencing pleasure, then most likely the dream is of direct importance, and you want to put it in reality. Remember, do not always need to focus on the subconscious as the main criterion, it's just our animality, our instincts, and you can pull on a subconscious level to the person to whom you are not experiencing any feelings. The main criterion - it's your heart and mind. That's if they want and are attracted to the object of your dreams, then you really should consider this option. And suddenly the fate?
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