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What ends a dispute

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What ends a dispute?

Every process has its beginning and its end. To controversy broke, you need to "escalate the situation." Certainly to the dispute started, you must have at least two parties who have different viewpoints, and their collision. In this case, each participant has their own opinion and argument. Thesis in this case is defined as the interpretation of the disputed provision. Without the presence of the opposite side of a rational debate impossible. While it is possible to catch yourself in a situation where the dispute is with you, with your conscience, "inner" I "in front of a mirror with the reflection of yourself, etc. But such a dispute can not be called sincere. It is not enough only the presence of an opponent, it is necessary that both sides accepted the decision on the adoption of the arguments from each other. This requirement is uniform for all possible (rational) methods of exchange of statements. Failure to comply with this position of the interviewees go to the rude, throwing insults in the face, transferring weight of the shortcomings and other negative characteristics of the controversial party. And if, as they say, there is no law dispute, it is not and its disorders. Usually, the beginning of the conflict situation involves monotonous maintenance action, but its completion is not limited to, allowed many different situations interchanges. So what ends the dispute ?


This is the time to reach agreement and reconciliation debaters. Achieved in different ways, but the result is - the agreement with each other. There are cases when in dispute are not the dispute is caught by each of its participants, and the end result turns out that the disputants simply do not understand each other before. This may occur due to incorrect formulation of the question, vagueness and confusion of words, when both parties are not apprised of the situation. Compromise can be found as a result of the testimony, any concessions, but only if the field of argumentation debaters will be identical and equal.
"Winning on points."

This is the moment when the evidence of one participant is given a lot more arguments and weightier than the second side.

"Total victory".

Moment at which one of the debaters have to take his thesis, because it is simply indefensible.

"To each his own"

Moment when, in the course of the argument is the presence of the falsehood and the truth in each of the viewpoints of the parties. In such a dispute is not rejected any position, and all work on the "common fund" of the dispute.

Situation " the severance of diplomatic relations . "

It can occur as a result of these violations and actual data, when any of the parties concealed, distorted, given the unacceptable arguments. From this point of discussion is destroyed, he violated the order of a controversial situation.

This entitles the other party to declare his opponent "persona non grata" and that the discussion of controversial provisions. As practice shows, there have been cases of such influence deliberately with a view to either party suffered a heavy defeat, and not to bring the dispute before finala.V this case, many agree dirty "stigma in the gun, rather than leave the loser of the dispute. Such a method can not be honest, both with respect to his opponent, and the source of the dispute.
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