What fate awaits the "do not like all the" children?
As a result of the objective negative factors more than 85% of children in Russia (and by some estimates, up to 93%) at the moment of birth fall into the "danger zone", ie are predisposed to the emergence of various kinds of violations in the process of further development. If you provide them with proper care and favorable conditions of development, the condition of many of these children can come close to "normal", but if in time they will not help and to act unreasonably, many of them will become disabled.
Another 35 - 40 years ago, these children was much lower: 70-80% of the infants were healthy, just over 4% of children born with severe anomalies, and the state of the other children could be called "borderline". Now the situation has changed dramatically, and we can say that the fate of society depends on what forces will prevail in the struggle to disastrously sprawling "boundary layer":
or by using reasonable efforts will approximate the condition of these children as possible to the "norm", or influenced by the circumstances of their condition will deteriorate more and more.
Number of children born with severe abnormalities, increases slowly and remains at no more than 4,5-5%.
What fate awaits the "do not like all the" children? " In recent decades, the disabled and people with severe developmental disabilities were taken away from the public eye. They should not be seen. A similar situation persists today. Is still government policy in relation to persons with developmental anomalies based on a system of internment - a system of exemptions from the society of persons with severe developmental disabilities and their content in a closed residential institutions.
Meanwhile, long-term studies confirm that the most favorable for the development of the child is in the family, especially for children with developmental disabilities. In contrast, the longer a person is in an institution, the more it loses its chance to escape when one of this system in everyday life. Especially the one who got to the orphanage as a child. Life prospects of these people missing.
What are the possible subjects of children "risk zone"?
Professionals working in the field of helping children with developmental problems, observe the following picture. Social and educational system of Russia are working on lowering the personal, educational and social status of the subject. Surrounding the life and learning environment constructed aggressively towards a child with developmental problems, gradually forcing him and his family outside the education system and 'normal' society. Virtually no physiologically and psychologically child-friendly environment that works hard to "culling" is not only the weakest, often forming an anomaly, where initially it was not.
Science operates mainly on differentiation, trying ever more thinly to separate different types of violations. All defectology and medicine so far focused on segregation: "separation of children on the shelves and try to work with them in such unnatural conditions. Separation of children nozologicheskimu principle is not as intellectual procedures to address research problems, and implemented in practice and could reasonably be classified as segregated.
Widespread destructive practice - diagnosis, without further correction. Stigma, especially delivered too early, crippling the fate of the child and his family. The terrible consequences of a bad diagnosis. Existing forms of assistance and the most appropriate services and facilities are designed in such a way that the natural, normal and normal is the gradual deterioration of the children being assisted. Child, with whom "something wrong", has consistently pushed from specialist to specialist, to the increasingly low levels of education, so long until you are generally outside of any system of education and psychological and educational assistance. The specialist is not the task of looking for ways to help this particular child. Many groups of children do not assisted.
In educational practice, one can see a marked discrepancy between high levels of each of the educational standard and the real difficulties of a large number of children who can not reach it. Standards a little, and the gaps between the standards is enormous. The child has no possibility to move up gradually. Educational standards perpetuate the notion of society about the value of education: what is useful to know. But this program, techniques, ways and means of education - all that we combine the notion of "educational environment", focused on some abstract of the child - physically, emotionally and mentally "healthy" - which nowadays is not easy to meet, and are a marked discrepancy with the possibilities of modern children. Attempts to fit the individual child to the abstract of the educational environment for it traumatic.
Teachers do not solve their own educational objectives, they focus solely on the training side of things. They asked a lot, a lot of demand and reject the weak. The role of "breakwater" between the boundary layer and the layer of children with severe developmental disabilities perform PMPC. PMPC drive the children in a trap from which no one escapes: remedial classes, the classes of alignment, special schools and boarding system of social protection. Many have already called attention to the fact that any class of alignment, remedial class or supporting the school, etc. never and do not let anybody upstairs. Even if the child is well and it works great people who lined up in class or establishing a warm cozy world, they say: "How can we release it back into this horrible outside world, he was there, of course, be bad."
A decrease is permanent, and up the stairs not lifts virtually none. As a result, a considerable part of children "risk zones" over time move into the category of children with severe developmental disabilities. Options for their continued existence - is a set of impossibilities. The child and his family descend into the abyss. Some of these kids get into nursing, others own the house becomes a "prison", and others on the streets.
So now our total environment through which the younger generation, are harmful and act in the direction of deterioration, causes strengthening of the existing problems and the multiple increase in the number of "problem" members of society. Anomaly "spreading", and if all went as before, in the near future, the vast majority of Russia's population could be outside the "normal" society. Processes described above is natural to assume disintegrative. From there, you can understand what integration is. Namely, we associate with it hopes for a "healthy" society.