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What gives the attraction

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What gives the attraction?

Very often we are envious of others, thinking that nature bestowed their spectacular appearance. Envy stop our creative energy, and we feel discouraged. "Now, if I was as attractive as Angelica, then I'd have everything!" - We say ourselves. It makes us sad, because it is impossible to implement. I want to cry, feeling sorry for yourself, blame parents who did not gave it a great happiness - to be born with a different appearance. Unfortunately, envy does not help to move forward, and eats from the inside. It leads into a dark labyrinth, from which there is no road.

Particularly harmful envy when you are convinced that envy - bad. Then it can not be controlled and easily take possession of you at the moment, especially when you suffer from dissatisfaction with themselves. Then envy devours you, you are doing yourself hurt, reinforcing it. Healthy (white), envy does not cause suffering by comparing yourself with others, because when you are jealous of white envy, you admire the fact that there is another, rejoicing, and other people are happy to answer you. You may recall many examples of life from the experience of others, from what you've seen around, when a very bright appearance does not improve but worsen life. Did you know that:

• Women with bright appearance more often exposed to sexual harassment?

• From the women with bright appearance usually does not expect crazy and erudition, and if they found that the woman is not only beautiful but also intelligent, more often try to discredit her, to humiliate, to prove to her that her place - at the stove?

• Men with bright appearance often have a reputation for gigolos and less likely to cause concern to him as a person?

• Beautiful people have caused, as a rule, two polar reactions: 1) or expected of them very very much, and if they do not meet these expectations, they quickly become disillusioned, and 2) or they do not expect anything other than beauty, and therefore any their attempts to prove himself as a person ignore or to condemn?

• Beauty is the same problem as a lot of money: people who believe in something, that's what makes them happy, to keep their "property" well, experiencing a constant fear of losing it?

You might even notice how you're looking for the answer to this question from friends and strangers, in magazines and books: "Tell me, what in me does not it? How should I be? "Already in the answer: you are unhappy with themselves. If you are unhappy with yourself, you'll never be able to find people who will be pleased with you, because by his conduct and the matter ("how I should be) you are provoking others to experience resentment toward you. We have a suspicion that the "kick" - is not just a habit, it's serious business, bringing their bonuses. Imagine that you are in a country where most punishable thing - to be attractive. Try to take the place of the inhabitants of this country and see the world through their eyes, as though it may seem irrational. Allow yourself to be irrational. And now answer the two questions, trying to gain as much as possible answers to each of them:

1.What is losing someone who is attractive?

2. What gives the attraction?

Let your imagination run wild and let your answers will be the most unexpected! Please read carefully the list of unanswered. Note those who somehow summoned to your heart's concern. Answer the questions and write answers in a notebook.

1.How of the answers really are true in relation to you?

2.What you can really lose if you become an attractive person?

3.Chto you really acquires remaining unattractive?

Indeed, you may find that to be attractive - it is incurring as much attention that it will be impossible to cope with, or be attractive - it is a guarantee of security. If you really becomes unattractive way to solve any problems, and attraction of creating them, it seems, there is a reason to undertake the following tasks.

1.Nauchitsya get something that you get with unattractiveness, without unattractive.

2.Nauchitsya solve difficulties that arise if you become an attractive man.

Often unattractive - it's also a way to stand out. Some clients with whom we work, find it this way: "If I'm not the best, then I would be worse than all!" So, besides the stereotypes and beliefs, there are internal obstacles that stop us. For example: "I want to change my life, but as I live differently?" Man inhibits conflict is conflict, the struggle of motives: to find something new or to abandon old habits: "On the one hand, this is what I dream what I want, but on the other - I still have to give up a lot, familiar to me. " The more we think about it, the less we want to change something. Ahead of the unknown, and it's scary.

How to become attractive?

To pave the way for appeal, should proceed in several stages of ways:

1.Polnoe awareness of why you go to your goals, namely:

• What are the advantages you get from your behavior changes.

• From any cons you get rid of.

• What are your own or someone else's illusion you destroy.

• What you want to give up what seems important to you.

2.Borba motives:

• Clarification of what and how is important to you in the intended path, and that - spam.

• Refrain from "questionable purchases" the old behavior.

• Weighing the cost of "loss" when choosing a new path in life.

3.Akt decision:

• Plan, as it will now be organized your life.

• Clear development of the sequence of your actions, including in the event that you will overcome the temptation to get everything back in the ass. "

• Decision-making and the strengthening of its next action.


• Consistent implementation of planned actions.

• self-help movement in the intended way.

• Organization of its "support group" to move the planned route.

• Constant reminders to yourself why you started a life change.

Wola occurs when a person clearly define their need and aims. Through volitional action man scheduled up facing him purpose, subjecting his impulses conscious control and changing the surrounding reality in accordance with its plan. Whether we like it or not, we ourselves form the events of his life, even when we do not know that. Ignorance of what we do, does not absolve us from responsibility for his acts. What we think, sooner or later be granted. Sometimes this occurs through such a long period of time that we have time to forget about our desire, because as long as we have dreamed about it, there was all that it done, and we come close to him, the less understood its value. All that is on earth, people first saw in his dreams.
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