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What good are educational events

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What good are educational events?

This type of action is characterized by the acquisition of knowledge and skills of its participants. Has clearly defined goals and objectives, theme and composition. These events are less important your appearance and manner of communication, since for many it is simply a way to improve their skills and learn new things. Here is judged by the mind, not on clothes. Variety of basic educational activities - seminars, trainings and courses. The main purpose of educational activities - to provide maximum knowledge and skills of people who came to them. In some cases, participants aim to just get a "crust" on the training. This is more about the courses. The form of presenting information to them lecture, and thus ineffective, and often outdated and uninteresting.

Seminars conducted by private companies with the invitation of Russian and foreign business leaders, has much more interesting and in great demand. There is a good handouts and an opportunity to get information on the experiences of leading experts, ask questions and get answers to them. For me the best way to learn, but at the same time and parties, is training. During the training you can gain practical skills, in addition to knowledge, which is more efficient. Know - it is one thing and do - quite another.

Who visits and number of participants

Each educational activity is a contingent of visitors. The main contingent of trainees - the specialists for whom training is required by regulations (the energy sector specialists, riggers, welders, etc.). There are other professionals who need training just to get a diploma and show it to their prospective employers. In the groups of courses, on average takes 10 to 40 people. The seminars focused mainly on business, and lead them active and successful business leaders. Duration of the seminar can be from one to 5 days. Attend seminars middle managers, senior managers. Number of participants in a group of 8 to 30 people.

Training programs aimed at developing skills. During the training, the whole theory worked through in practice through play situations, and models in safe mode. Trainings are open - for all comers and corporate - to a certain company. Also there is a personal growth trainings aimed at personal development and business training, developing professional skills. Number of participants in the group - from 8 to 50 people.
Clearly identified as such laws and regulations for students of courses and workshops there. For these activities, the main thing that you gain knowledge and do not disturb others to receive them.

But training programs have certain rules for group work, which include:





What is the use of educational activities? In the first place - the opportunity to make new acquaintances and connections. Learning together, we can always find common interests and work. Meet with all participants, while this is not possible ask the organizers of the lists of participants. Now they're something they are precisely and meticulously. Courses can be used to find employees, as well as for sales. That strategy has kindly shared with me CEO of the St. Petersburg Representative Office ANTIvor, Alexander Prikhodko. From Alexander I was fortunate to be trained in one group. Well, turns out to be much more profitable, without spending large sums on displays and participate in large exhibitions, just trained in courses and seminars for professionals and represent their members to their equipment or present your services directly.

And once you can answer any questions, consult and learn the need of these professionals in the acquisition of goods. Many consulting companies have been free or inexpensive seminars or so-called round tables for corporate executives or human resource managers on topics related to personnel management, in order to then sell them to training or consulting. The strategy is simple, always need a personal touch, without him it is not. I want to elaborate on what exactly is coaching. I will cite a passage from the Book of trainers ", entitled" Training Programs Business Skills "developed by Tre-ningovoy program of Winrock International in conjunction with the corporation ACDI / VOCA (Kiev, 2002.) Kindly provided me the business manager of consulting company" Faux-rom -NTS Tatiana Korobenko.
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