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What if the house wound up. What to do with household

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What if the house wound up. What to do with household

In every house and every apartment living homes. Believe that the house - a cousin of the devil. And yet it can not be cast out, as it is an attribute of our daily lives, even to some extent defender of the hearth. At the same time, houses and devils in the same apartment, as a rule, do not get along. If you start to move randomly around the apartment things or beating china in the cabinets, and sometimes at night you can hear some noise - hence house at war with the evil spirit. And here you can help him, thus facilitating the life and myself:

• Do not leave for the night on a table or on window sills salt, pepper, garlic, onion and knives. Hide them away in cupboards. Their houses can not stand.

• To appease him, on the night 10fevralya leave on the table a glass of wine, a loaf of bread, a slice of bacon, and anything sweet. If the house will take your food, then the next morning you will see traces of his feast, and feel how to change the atmosphere in the house.

• It is possible that house crushes man in bed. You can directly to yourself to feel his presence. That it does not bother you, put a pillow thyme.

Can help and the Lord's Prayer "during the reading of which must be baptized not only themselves, but also houses.
• Sometimes a house during a visit to seek something to tell you. Try to ask him a question: "For better or worse?" You will hear in response: "Hu ..." means that he warns you about some bad luck. If, however, is silent, then you'll be all right.

Among the houses caught and the evil that more harm than do good. It is best to get rid of them. To do this, invite a priest so that he thrice blessed your home.
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