What if the man is laughing at you?
Laughter prolongs life. Undoubtedly! And if they laugh at you? Or if your boyfriend's sense of humor, like Beavis and Batheda - in the worst traditions of American comedy? My friend Kate - real lucky! For his birthday she received a gift from her boyfriend a brand new Porsche! And so to a hen party, when the turn to curse and revile their men, and her words no one gives a paste! How can you criticize such a generous and loving young man? But recently, Kate has all the same word:
- All that I could no longer bear it! Tired! He is constantly hurting me!
- Offended? Yes, he's not in your soul This means rude words will not tell!
- Yeah, but he always laughs at me! Makes fun of everything from a new hairstyle before singed sausages. Suppose he does it very subtly, but his tongue like a razor. I always feel like a fool and not even know what to say.
Yes, sometimes a direct insult to hurt us so, anyhow the nail on the head joke. Few girls are able to withstand the torture of sarcasm. What if the man is laughing at you? Ideal - respond in kind. Exercise in wit is always useful, and does not interfere with the beloved figure out what it's like to be the object of someone's irony. Can still be "playing the lead." That is to laugh at themselves. Self-irony adds girl sexuality. If you're afraid of his caustic remarks, voiced their own: "My dear, as you are my new shorts style" chicken leg quarter? A bouffant style "I fell from the truck, slowed down his head? True, since I spilled Julia Roberts? ".
Another problem, if your boyfriend does not exercises his wit on you, but the awful / gone / silly jokes. Ask yourself whether you can tolerate jokes in the style of "American Pie"? If your love is strong enough, the main thing - tactfully persuade, to whom you can joke like that, and before whom it is impossible. Some people do not feel the boundaries of what is permitted. Try to correctly explain: "My dear, my parents are not bad, just conservative, they do not appreciate the modern sense of humor." If his jokes are not just flat, but vulgar and sexist, try to challenge him to a frank conversation. Tell me honestly, what do you like to hear phrases like "Baba behind the wheel of that monkey with a grenade." If a polite hint to him not quite reach, tell the same. For example, my friend Sasha brilliantly in place of her boyfriend Vova, when he got drunk in the company, suddenly began to joke about an intimate topic:
- Hey, guys, so my Sasha screams in bed when I ... well ... you know. As soon as the neighbors on her screams did not come running.
In response to Sasha cute smile:
- The neighbors do not come running because the soundproofing is good. And you, my dear, it can tolerate my cries, the more so as they continue to just half a minute for the duration of sex. I am in your crimson socks for thirty seconds unforgettable happiness!
That's it! And if the situation is reversed and your boyfriend - a lover of English highbrow humor that you just do not understand? There are two ways: either you honestly say that you do not understand these jokes, and ask him to explain what salt is a joke, or skillfully imitate high jinks. And yet the latter is undesirable. At one point, you can laugh in the wrong place, or, conversely, not to laugh when "will already be time." Hypocrisy always goes sideways. It is understandable that you want to look their best in his eyes, but in my opinion, your honesty and sincerity are many times more than the ability to understand the abstruse jokes or laugh on demand.