What is - Tarot Beam third 58-87 years
We calculate the customer's date of death. This can be done immediately after the fallout in the alignment of the XIII century poses. 24a. Next - Six of Pentacles. Work by a known procedure. Date: May 5, 2011, the year of the Dragon is dangerous for the helper.
Pos. 27a, 27b. Scientific Assessment. Eight of Wands, Queen of Swords. Client perceived hostility, activity in the eyes of others sharply negative.
Pos. 28a, 28b. Breeding. Confrontation - What is it? XI, Four of Pentacles. Copes with the load failure. Combination of this pair: the rich gifts.
He participated in active aspect of a positive force.
Pos. 29a, 29b. Experience. Ace of Swords, the Knight of Wands. Emotions, accomplishments, winning with a sword in his hand. Perhaps the opposition, and terrorist attacks as well.
Cultivar resists frost. He is winter-hardy, wind resistance.
Pos. 30a, 30b. The new variety. Five of Wands. King of Swords. Excellent parameters of the new varieties. The new formation, hardening and high quality.
Pos. 31a, 31b. Strength tests. XV, Ten of Swords. Bravirovanie courage, extraordinary losses, "Warriors of Mars."
Pos. 32a, 32b. The lady of Wands, King of Pentacles. Improved performance. Not expected little improvement, on the contrary: trouble, danger prevails.
Pos. 33a, 33b. New methods of breeding. Page of Pentacles Seven of Cups. Rejection of plans due to the wrong course, not to cling to an illusory success. Strengthening of the intentions as well.
Pos. 34a, 34b. Impeding factors. Three of Wands, Knight of Pentacles. Impact on business life thanks to the tireless work solutions: a new beginning.
Pos. 35a, 35b. Necessary fertilizer. Six of Wands, XXI.
Combination: wishful thinking. Ignorance of the true state of affairs requires a revision of the plans.
Pos. 36a, 36b. Improved grading. Queen of Cups, XX. Combination: creative thinking. Analysis of the situation.
Pos. 37a, 37b. Stability. Implementation. Two and Four Swords. Mode power of the dictatorship of interrupted breathing space. Problems remain.
Pos. 38a, 38b. Quality. Troika and the Knight of Cups. Success, change, improvement.
Pos. 39a, 39b. suitcase. Repository. X, Two of Pentacles. Concern about the situation in positive.
The struggle for the preservation of the status is negative, does not bring success.
Find the total vector-arch for alignment of the three positions: 13, 26, 39.
1, the sum, 1 st Beam: 6 + 1 = 7
2, the sum, 2 nd beam: 3 + 6 = 9
3 sum, the third beam: 10 + 2 = 12 Total: 7 + 9 + 12 = 28 = 10
Vibration Arkan X, Wheels - the landmark of the future: a good omen and happy changes.
Conclusions: In this incarnation, a man spinning the wheel of fate, drawn by a rock, then the temptation, righteousness. He - man, hero of Mars, he is a warrior and a hero, a winner and a loser. Its Armageddon is not finished, it will continue in the future embodiment of his chariot on the go. It will give way to others on the Olympus - but such are the laws of life.
However, he succeeded a lot and done a lot for the good of others.